Get Closer.

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-Hey! I'm here! - She whisper-screams. – Haechan! - Yes. Haechan sneaked out of NCT's dorm and now he is in front of your dorm with Chin-Sun. As it's a little late, there's no one on the street, so Haechan said he could go to see Chin-Sun.
-Hi! – He whispers and hugs her smiling.-Here what I wanted to give you. - Chin-Sun says showing him a Michael Jackson vinyl disc. Haechan takes it with shinny eyes.
-Omg, Chin-Sun. I- I can't take it. It's very precious. Stay with it. - He says giving it back.
-Noo! It's okay, really. - She gives it to him again.
-Okay then. - He shrugs and takes it.
-Oh. You accepted it very fast. – She says laughing.
-I'm just kidding. Is it really okay? – He says looking at her. She giggles.
-Yes. I have listened this more than a hundred times haha. It's just there on my shelf picking up dust. - Chin-Sun says smiling at him. Haechan stares at her. She is so pretty and she understands him. She laughs of his jokes and jokes back.
            She notices he is scanning her face and blushes. Haechan gets a little bit closer and  caresses her head.
-Thank you, Chin-Sun. You are really amazing. - Haechan says and she smiles. - Oh! I think someone is coming!
-Omg, come here. - Chin-Sun drags him to the back of a tree in the dorm. Haechan laughs of her cuteness. Actually, nobody was coming, but he wanted to be closer to her. They are now hiding behind a tree and Chin-Sun is looking for the person he said that was coming. - Uhm... I think I'm not seeing anyone, Haec- - When she turns around to talk to him, she sees he is really close as the tree is small. Their noses are almost touching. - You- Actually, there's no one, right? - She says and he smirks. - You brat. – She says grinning.
-Sorry. I like to tease you. - He says glancing at her lips.
-I forgive you this time because you are cute. - She laughs. They stay in silence staring at each other. Haechan leans down a bit and their lips meet. As they start to kiss, Chin-Sun loses her balance, but Haechan holds her by the waist before she falls.
-Just try to not get us scolded, okay? - He says teasing her.
-Then, hold me tighter. - She says smirking. Haechan bites his bottom lip looking at the other side. "Omg, this girl is dangerous. I think I'm in love." He thinks.
-As you wish. - Haechan pulls her closer. He puts his free hand behind her neck and kisses her again. The adrenaline of the chance of being caught makes it even better. Chin-Sun's heart is beating fast and Haechan's heart too. He is bold and she is too. It's a dangerous and a perfect mix for them. They pull away catching air. - Babe, I would love to be here with you all night long, - He gives her a quick peck while talking. – but I have to come back before they notice. - He says still close, looking at her. Chin-Sun sees you passing by the doors of the dorm and taking the stairs. You don't see them.
-Well, Y/n is here. I think I will come back too. – Chin-Sun says. Haechan pecks her lips again.
-Thank you for the vinyl. Even though I didn't come here only for that. – He says smirking.
-Thank you for the kisses. – She laughs. He smiles. Chin-Sun is so cute. They have the last kiss and he leaves. "Omg, that was crazy. I think I fell in love with this man." Chin-Sun thinks.
            After taking the stairs, you get in your room. "Chin-Sun is not here yet. Weird. It's getting late." You think. You take your phone in your pocket to call her, but then, suddenly, she arrives.
-Oh. Hi, ChinChin. I was about to call you and- - You pause looking at her. – What did you do?
- What do you mean? - She asks you.
-You are with a silly smile on that face of yours. Tell me. What are you up to? – You say taking off your clothes.
-Well... I have some interesting news to tell. - She says smirking and you turn to her to know the gossip. – Haechan was here some minutes ago.
-In our room??? Omg, Chin-Sun. – You start, facepalming.
-No, girl! Jesus. Let me explain. - She takes a breath and you look at her, letting her explain. - We were at the gate. I wanted to give him my Michael Jackson vinyl, so he sneaked out and came here.
-Oh, okay. – You feel relieved.
-I gave it to him and he liked it very much. And then that brat said someone was coming. Nobody must know he is here, so I drag him to the garden so we could hide there. - You hold your laugh already knowing where this is going to. - But there was no one coming. When I turned around, he was close. Very close. And then he... kissed me. - She says blushing and hiding her face in her hands.
-Aaaah! Omg. I'm going crazy. - You say jumping with her. – I'm so happy. I see that you two get along so well. – She smiles. – And... How was it? – You ask curious and blushing too.
-IT WAS AWESOME. - Chin-Sun says and you two start to scream and jump together. - He is bold, you know. Such a flirty. But he is also cute and tender. - She sighs. You can see hearts forming in her eyes.
-You are completely in love, right? – You say. She hugs you leaning her head on you shoulder.
-Yes, I am. What do I do, Y/n? - She sighs.
-Don't think about it too much. Let the life take its course. He likes you too. Enjoy the life and be happy. - You say caressing her hair. She sighs deeply again feeling calmer now.
-Yeah. I think you are right. I'm happy. - She pauses and pulls away. - And you, lady, were with Mark, right? – She says smirking.
-Yup. - You say taking you towel. - He has a concert next month and wants me to see him. Do you want to come too?
-Okay! I can also see Haechan, so it's fine. - She you smile. You decided to not say anything about the Eric subject because it's a thing between you and Mark. You want to respect him and solve your problems together. After your conversation, you and Chin-Sun go to sleep.
            Meanwhile, Mark is still at SM. His manager calls him and they meet.
-So, you wanted to talk to me? – The manager asks.
-Yes. I have made a decision and I want to talk to you about it. - The manager nods. - I want to ask Y/n to be my girlfriend. – Mark says and waits for the manager's reaction. The manager sighs heavily and leans on the chair.
-Mark, you know that I accepted some relationships on NCT. I don't mind if you have someone to relieve the stress and to not feel alone, but you know the rule. If it starts to get in the way of your career, I'll have to put an end to it. - He says and Mark nods looking down thinking. - You know Taeil is even married, but he has not the same schedule as you. You are very busy. You have more responsibilities than anyone of NCT. So, keep that in mind and think about that. Taeyong decided to abdicate of being in a relationship right now because of the work.
-I know. - Mark says. - I know. - He sighs. – But... He looks up at the manager. I feel like... I can't live without her. She is... everything. She calms me down when I'm about to fall apart. She helped me with the Saehyon problem. If it was not her, I would be all over the magazines with that bruise on my face. She is strong, but sometimes she needs someone too. And I want to be this person to her. - Mark says serious looking at him. The manager sighs again seeing that he no longer has a chance of convince him. "Oh, these kids in love... I miss my youth days." The manager thinks. He passes his hands on his face.
-Okay, listen. If you are so sure about that, I won't stop you. - Mark shows a wide smile. - BUT! I don't want to know about sneaking out, nor absences on practices, nor love scandals, nor pregnanc- - Mark interrupts him blushing.
-Yes, sir! - He says. – My work is my passion too, so I will keep working hard. Thank you so much for understand me, sir! - He says bowing intensely.
-Okay, okay. No need to bow like this. - He says patting Mark's back. - Now go to sleep because tomorrow your practice begins again. Don't disappoint me.
-Yes, sir. – He says and leaves the room smiling happily. – Now I just need to ask her. - He thinks out loud looking at the ring you gave him.
            Mark then goes to the dorm. Everybody was at their respective room. Mark turns the light on of the kitchen and finds Haechan robing the fridge. Haechan freezes. He was on a suspicious position. Like he doesn't want to get caught. Mark stares at him and sees he is on his jeans and sneakers.
-Were you outside? Where did you go at this hour? - Mark asks and Haechan turns to him holding a huge coke and a bag of chips.
-I was... here... - He says shrugging. Mark looks at him not believing anything he is saying.
-You went to see Chin-Sun, right? – Mark says.
-How do you know? – Haechan asks.
-You put your best hoodie and is smelling like cologne. - Mark says  scanning him. Haechan looks at himself and shrugs eating a chip. - I won't say anything, but be careful. Manager hates when we sneak out. He will tell you to stay away from her.
-Yeah. I know. I'm gonna see what I can do. – Haechan waves and gets in his room. Mark goes to sleep too.
            The week starts and NCT gets up early to go to practice. They are working hard, as usual. In the middle of the week, Mark is training and decides to go drink some water. He opens the door and goes to the drinking fountain, but from afar he sees someone he wouldn't like to see ever again. Emilly.

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