Meeting the Best Friend

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NOTE: Before you start this chapter, I want you to know that I posted the Chapter 5.5 on my Instagram @ isallaboutthevibe. Go and take a look ;) Thank you ♥

-Uhm... Who is he- Oh, wait. OH! IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS? - She says. "Great. She knows now." You think ironically.
-SHHH! Chin-Chin! Speak lower! – You say to her.
-Oh, girl, sorry. I forgot it's late. - She says whispering. - But you are Mark Lee! Why are you here? With my best friend? – She says whisper- screaming.
-Uhm... - Mark laughs of you two. What a chaos. – So, you are Chin-Sun. Nice to meet you. – He bows a little.
-You- Do you know my name? Do you know each other? How? For how long? – Chin-Sun asks. You look at Mark asking his permission to tell her. He shrugs and you start.
-So... Do you remember that guy I said I met at the airport? – You ask Chin-Sun.
-That boy who invaded your taxi? - She asks and Mark sighs heavily looking at the other side. You laugh. - That boy you said you like? - Chin-Sun says and you widen your eyes. Actually Chin-Sun knows you are talking about Mark, but she wanted to tease you a bit.
-Wha- Girl, No! I didn't said that. Omg. - Mark chuckles putting his hand on his mouth. You look at Mark, but turn to Chin-Sun fast because you can't look at his eyes. - What I said was that we were FRIENDS. Anyway, that boy is Mark. He let me visit SM today. - You say jumping.
-Omg, this is so cool! Hi, Mark! Omg, I can't believe I'm talking to you. I have to tell everyone and- - You interrupt her.
-No, Chin-Chin! You can't tell anyone! Please, keep the secret. - You take her hands on yours.
-Yeah, of course! I didn't think well. I won't tell anyone. I swear. – She says to you and you trust her.
-Don't worry, Mark. You know I trust Chin-Sun. It's okay now. - You turn to him smiling.
-Okay then. So, I will get going. Nice to meet you, Chin-Sun. - Mark smiles at her and waves. She waves back. – Bye, Y/n. - Mark comes closer to give you a hug. As you don't know when you're gonna see him again, you give him a tight hug already missing him. You put your arms around his neck and he puts his arms around your waist. You feel his scent and pull away waving and he leaves. Chin-Sun, watching everything, looks at you smirking. "What's going on with these two? I know what kind of hug it is." Chin-Sun thinks. You and Chin-Sun run up to get to the room so no one sees you. Getting there, you fall on your bed and see Chin-Sun standing staring at you.
-You know you have to tell me everything, right? With DETAILS. - Chin- Sun says to you and you chuckle.
-Okay, okay. I was dying to tell everything anyway. - You say and Chin- Sun jumps on your bed sitting by your side. You tell her the story and how was your day with Mark today.
-But... I saw how you hugged him. Is something going on with you two? Do you like him? - Chin-Sun asks. You look down thinking and playing with your fingers.
-I already said to you, Chin-Chin. We are friends. And even if I wanted something... - She interrupts you.
-Wait. You don't really believe on that "out of my league" thing, do you? - She asks you.
- It's not just that, Chin-Chin. He is an idol. You know how it's difficult to have a relationship with an idol. It's hard for me and for him. He is very busy. Today he said to me that they will start to practice for a stage and we can not meet for a month. If I was his girlfriend, I would have to be patient. Specially when we talk about the saesangs. Oh God. Have you thought about that? - You look at Chin-Sun with a scared face and she looks back with a disgusted face.
-Yeah, you are right. But we never know what can happen... - She smirks at you and you punch her arm slightly. - C'mon, I know you think he is handsome. - You laugh hiding your face on a pillow, blushing.
-Uhm... Yeah, he really is, right? – You say.
-I saw that hug, and giiiirl, many girls would die to give him that hug, you know? – She says excited like she was in your place. You agree laughing. - Does he smell good? - She asks you and you blush even more screaming behind the pillow.
-Yes. Hahaha You two laugh. - He smells so good, omg. I could hug him all day long. - You say smiling to her.
-Aaaah, my Y/n is in looove. - She starts to tickle you.
-Nooo, stooop. I'm not. Hahahaha – You two laugh out loud until a girl in the other room shout something through the wall.
-Hey! You two! Shut up! I want to sleep here.
-Oh! Did you hear that? You are talking too loud. - You say whisper-screaming to Chin-Sun.
-Me? It's you! - She says to you whispering too and laughing.
-Okay. Enough with this. Let's sleep now. - You pause. - Oh! I almost forgot. - She looks at you curious. - Maybe your friend here got free tickets to the next concert. – You say looking at your nails joking.
-No waaay. Are you serious? - She stands sitting on her knees on the bed.
-And that's not all. Now you that know that I know Mark, we can meet him on backstage. – You say pretending to have a popular personality.
-Noooo. Omg, Y/n! I can't wait! - She says excited and cutely.
-I know. I'm like that too. I'm glad you know everything now. Sorry for not telling anything to you. I just need to keep it as a secret. – You say to her.
-It's okay. I'm not mad. But if you need me someday, know that I'm here and I will never say anything you don't want me to say. - She looks at you smiling.
- Thank you, Chin-Chin. I know that. I'm here for you too. And just like that, you sleep very happy.
              Meanwhile, Mark comes back to SM. He goes to his room and his roommate, Johnny, is there.
-Hey, bro. How was your day? – Mark asks Johnny who is now playing games on his computer. Mark takes off his cap and his mask.
-It was good. I sleep all day long. - Johnny groans. - I had a headache, but I'm fine now. - Johnny stops the game and looks at Mark. - Buut... I want to know how was YOUR day. Your day with Y/n. - He laughs.
-Uhm... Mark laughs. - It was cool. We went to the production room and we made some songs. I wanted to see how good she was and she proved her point. She is really good at it. – He says taking his towel to go to the shower.
-Hm, okay. - He stares at Mark with a "I know you're hiding something" look.
- What? - He chuckles.
-Dude, you know that I want to know the details. I see how you her. How you hug each other. Do you like her? – He asks curious. Mark laughs nervous.
-You know I can't, Johnny. We are just friends. Do you really think I could be in a relationship right now? – He looks at him.
-I know, bro, but... Maybe she likes you back? You are worrying about things too early. Enjoy the life, you know. - He turns back to the game. – She is very pretty, don't you think? – Johnny chuckles and Mark too.
-Yeah... And she is funny too. – Mark laughs getting embarrassed. – I don't know if she feels something. Sometimes I just want to live a day not being famous, you know. - Mark says.
-I feel you, bro. I think about that too. But that's the life. Sometimes we have to do things we don't like. - When Johnny said that, Mark remembered what happened with Saehyon earlier.
-Yo, dude. You won't believe what happened today. I almost forgot. - Johnny turns again to look at Mark. - Saehyon showed up. - Johnny makes an annoyed face.
-Did you fight again? - Johnny asks.
-No. Mostly because of Y/n. I didn't want to scare her. – Mark explains.
-Wow, Y/n was still here?
-Yeah. Mark sighs. - He started to flirt and say weird things to her. I almost punched him again. – Mark says with an angry face.
-I'm not even surprised. - Johnny says. - Did she say something though?
-She dumped him. It was awesome to see. – Mark chuckles. - She is not a helpless girl. – Mark pauses. – Then she asked what happened. Who was him and stuff. I explained everything and she was surprised. But it didn't ruin our day at least. She was happy in the end. I walked her home because it was late and turned out that a friend of her saw us and now she knows about me. – Mark says.
-Oh, dude, what a problem. – Johnny gets worried.
-She is a close friend of Y/n. She said she wouldn't say anything and I'm too tired to worry about that now, so I think it's gonna be okay. – Mark goes to the bathroom.
-Okay then. You must be right. What a long day. - Johnny says.
-I know, right? I'm gonna shower now and sleep. I'm tired. - Mark yawns and turns the shower on.
             It was really a long day, but this was also a important day for Mark. Sometimes he is too busy to have fun and relax. The members noticed his change of humor. He is happier and more energetic. This was the reason the manager didn't forbid Mark to meet you, and Mark doesn't know that.
             Waking up the next day, you and Chin-Sun get dressed to go to the university.
-And how are you doing on the course, Chin-Chin? Is internship already available to you? - You ask her.
-No, just on the next semester. And you? – She looks at you.
-It's available for me. - You look at her smiling.
- Really, Y/n? - She gives a wide smile. - Where are you gonna apply to? No, wait! Let me guess. She pretends to think hard. - SM! – You two laugh out loud.
-Yes. I want to work there so much, but the process is so hard. I don't know if I'm gonna pass for it. – You sigh. She slaps you on the arm. - Ouch! - You dramatic pretends to be hurt.
-You are going to pass. I know you are good. And... - She looks at you smirking. - You can meet your Mark everyday! – Chin-Sun says already running away from you.
              This opportunity of working in SM is very important to you. It can open future doors and improve your experience. You go to your teacher and apply to the process. You are kind of nervous, but you won't let it turn you down. Chin-Sun and Mark said you are good, so, you will believe on that and jump into it. You prefer not say anything to Mark yet. If you really get to work there, you are sure he's gonna be happy for you.
               As the week goes by, the process starts. There are about 30 students that applied to the job, but you must be confident!

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