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-I saw the look in her face. She heard you. – Taeyong says to Mark.
-Yeah... I hope so. – Mark says wiping his tear. – We gotta explain all of this to the manager and to the reporters. – He sighs.
            Meanwhile, Chin-Sun is chasing you.
-Y/n! Wait! – Chin-Sun shouts, but you don't look back. You go to the restroom and open the faucet. You splash some water in your face. Chin-Sun gets in the restroom too and waits until you are finished. You stare at the mirror. Chin-Sun gives you a hug. You two get out of the restroom.
-I need... some time alone to think. – You say to her. She nods.
-Okay. I'll be sitting outside. If you need anything, call me. – Chin-Sun says. You nod and get in a random room and close the door.
            The concert is almost over. Mark does his best to finish it well, but all he wants is to run away to find you. The concert ends. They say goodbye to the fans.
-Mark, if you want some help- - Taeyong says, but Mark was not there anymore.-He ran away. – Haechan says.
            Mark runs desperate to find you, but he doesn't even know if you are still there. He looks around trying to find some remnant of hope. His heart is beating fast. He spots Chin-Sun. "Oh, God. Thank you."
-Chin-Sun! – He shouts. Chin-Sun turns to look at him. – Is she here yet?
-Yes. She is in this room. She said she needed some time to think. – Mark sighs a little more relieved that you are still there at least.
-Thank you, Chin-Sun. I don't know if she would have listened to the song if it was not for you. – He says and Chin-Sun hugs him.
-You got this. – Chin-Sun says and NCT arrives.
-Okay, guys. Let's let them talk alone. – Taeyong says and everybody leaves, letting Mark there in front of the door. Mark sighs deeply.
-Y/n? It's me. – He says and you hear him. Goosebumps pass down your spine. His voice. You love his voice. It brings you peace. – Can we talk for a moment? Let me in. – He knocks the door, but you don't answer. He tries to open it, but it's locked. He sighs and leans his head on the door. A fear echoing in his heart. – I... I want you to know that everything I sang up there was true. I would never do such thing like that. The truth is that I should have told you about that crazy fan. I was practicing that day and went to drink water. I saw Emilly and didn't talk to her so much. She left and after some seconds, a girl came running. She said she was my fan and that she invaded SM to talk to me. I stepped back thinking she was crazy, but when she heard that the security guards were coming, she jumped on me and kissed me. I pushed her away and she was dragged out of SM. – Mark stops for a moment. – Now that I think about, I never thought that Emilly was behind of all this. I was dumb. I should have seen this. As crazy fans and saesangs are kind of normal for us, I didn't care so much about it. Sorry, Y/n. But please, don't believe her. I love you so damn much. I was planning to ask you today. Ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours. That's all. – He stops again. – I... I will respect if you don't... want it anymore. I just wanted you to know that my plan is to be with you always. – He says and waits for your answer. You don't say anything.
            He steps back, ready to go away, but then he hears the door unlocking. He turns around fast. You open the door slowly. Your red face from crying showing through the door. He looks at you waiting to see what you will do. You start to walk fast in his direction. You raise your hand. He closes his eyes waiting for a slap. You reach him and pulls him closer to kiss him. Your hand resting on the side of his face and your lips on his. Mark feels your lips and his heart becomes lighter. It's as if several chains have come loose, as if a heavy burden was taken off his shoulders. Your smell, the texture of your hair, your taste. He couldn't describe how much he missed it, how much he was afraid of never experiencing it again.
            He wraps you with his arms, like he doesn't want to let you escape again. You never kissed him like that. A desperate and hungry kiss. You give some steps back, still kissing him, leaning on a table, so you would not lose your balance. Your hands pull his hair slightly in a attempt to relieve the longing for him. You two pull away and he hugs you putting his face on the crock of your neck, taking a long and deep breath to feel your essence. He smiles widely. You came back to him. He didn't lose you.
-I love you... – He says still hugging you. You caress his hair as he calms down. – I love you. – He says again looking at your face. His arms on both sides of you while you are sitting on the table. You look at his eyes. Those two beautiful pieces of galaxy.
-I love you too. – You say crying again. – A lot.
-Don't cry. – He says wiping your tears.
-I'm sorry. I... believed her for a moment. I don't know why. I thought it was happening again. – You say sniffing.
-Happening again? What do you mean? – He asks you.
-It's on the past. It was so bad. I felt alone. This time my head kept repeating "It's happening again. He cheated on you. You are alone. He doesn't like you. It happened again." – You say crying. – I trust you. I'm sorry.
            Mark hugs you again now understanding what happened. He didn't know about your past.
-So, now, what do you say? Do you want to be my girlfriend? – He asks smiling at you. You chuckle, wiping your tears thinking he is cute.
-Yes, of course. I love you. – You say and kiss him again. You feel relieved. Your heart knows he will be yours forever. Knowing the sensation of touching his face and the feeling of him smiling through the kiss. You will be the only one to feel it from now on.
            You two go to the hall to leave and go home, but when you cross the corner, you see all NCT and Chin-Sun sitting waiting for you.
-You- Are you still here? – Mark asks them. They see you and Mark holding hands and open a wide smile.
-Are you good now? – Chin-Sun jumps from her seat and asks you.
-Yeah. Sorry, guys. I made a chaos and I believed on that slut for a moment, but everything is better now. – You say and everybody shouts happily.
            Haechan looks at Chin-Sun and whispers to her.
-And you? Do you want to be my girlfriend? – He says to her smirking. Chin-Sun looks at him with wide eyes.
-Are you sure? – She whispers back.
-Of course, baby. – He says and she nods frenetically smiling to him. He laughs of her cuteness and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
            Everybody was happy and ready to go home. NCT drives you and Chin-Sun home. Mark gives you a quickly kiss on the lips.
-See you on Monday. – He winks at you and you smile at him. Haechan gives Chin-Sun a kiss on the lips too.
-Bye, princess. – He says and Chin-Sun waves at him. You two go to the dorm and NCT comes back.
            Getting there, NCT finds the manager waiting for them with a angry face.
-Now we are screwed. – Haechan says.
-You all in the meeting room now! – He says and NCT goes to the room without saying anything. They sit on the chairs and wait. The manager arrives.
-What the hell happened today? Mark, your face at the concert. It looked like someone you loved died. – He says.
-It was almost like that. – Mark says. NCT just listens.
-Your face is all over the internet. The fans are asking what happened to you. And that rap. I let you perform the song today, but you improvised with lyrics that was obviously directed to someone. – The manager says angry.
-I- I'm gonna fix this. I will find an excuse and- - Before he could finish, the manager interrupts him.
-No! Enough with this. I warned you about relationship scandals. – Mark looks at him. – You choose. Or Y/n or NCT. – The manager says and everybody widens their eyes.

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