ii. the heart brings you back

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02. chapter two!
the heart brings you back.

trigger warning:
descriptions of violence,
anxiety attacks & gaslighting.

Letting out a loud groan, Kaz knocked a total of five glasses from one table as the doors swung shut behind her, startling his crows. "Kaz," Inej spoke softly, mindful not to set him off further.

    "Don't!" He snapped, turning around to face her with such a fury in his eyes, Inej stepped back. "Do you understand what you've done? Do you understand what has to happen now, hm? Do you, Inej?"

   "Yes, actually I do!" She shouted back with the same tone he had dished out. Her eyes were glossy as she spoke. "I killed someone, Kaz. And the worst part is, it was a fucking accident."

    "Inej," Kaz uttered her name as though he'd only just learnt it.

    "See you tomorrow." Her words and tone were sour, and before anyone could object she was gone.

    "Well," Jesper stood up, clearing his throat and putting his guns back in their holsters on his waist. "I'd say that went well."

    "Shut up, Jesper."

The gunman scoffed, throwing his hands up in his defence. "And to think, I was about to help you."

Kaz narrowed his gaze, watching as the gun slid through his fingers and in to its holster.  "Ugh, fine." He feigned annoyance and sat back down. "You wanna test her, yeah? Well, why don't you send her to Poppy tomorrow night, y'know after you go yourself and see if she tells you the same thing?"

The leader didn't speak at first, instead choosing to slowly walk over to the bar, upon reaching it he quickly poured himself a drink. "This is a right mess."

    "Getting Sabine Markovich involved or upsetting Inej?"

Kaz turned around to glare at Jesper once more. "You're hilarious, Jes. Really."

    "Don't worry, I'm aware." He winked at the rather pissed off looking man who stood before him, suddenly thankful for the distance between them. "Right well, before I leave you to wallow in self pity; I know where she lives, Sabine. I'll go tomorrow night if you want, save you the embarrassment, 'cause I'm nice like that."

    "Jesper get out before I knock you out."

    "Yes, sir."

Almost immediately after the crow club grew silent for the first time since before it opened, Kaz stood alone with no other choice but to look at the mess that surrounded him. The mess he had made. Not all of them could be seen, but all he could remember were the looks on everybody's faces. The look on Sabine's when she spoke about her information being killed, the look on Inej's when she realised what she had done and the look on Jesper's when he made eye contact with Sabine.

    It didn't bother Kaz. She didn't bother Kaz.

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