xiii. death by a thousand cuts

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13. chapter thirteen!
death by a thousand cuts

Katarina had pushed past the herd of men that hung around the door of the pub like wasps at a picnic, and shrugged her jacket over her shoulders.

    Where was she planning on going?

Admittedly, she hadn't thought her dramatic exit out to the extent that she should have. Then again, she was born in Ravka, surely she could figure something out.

Yet again she was in her head, not fully aware of her surroundings, and she stepped forwards. At first it was an attempt to cross the road, but she definitely hadn't seen the carriage filled with fruit, being pulled by horses.

Before she was almost made roadkill, a hand latched around her wrist and propelled her backwards.

    "Maybe they'll get you next time." Jesper. She shrugged herself out of his hold and looked up at him, a scowl on her features. "Well that's adorable, is Kitty Kat angry?"

    "Jesper, wave that finger of yours in my face again and I'll cut it off."

    "Oh," Jesper gasped in shock. "Allow my to politely decline that offer."

She began to walk, with no real idea where she was going to end up or where she wanted to end up. Jesper followed.

    "Where are we going?"

    "About that," She turned around suddenly, almost causing Jesper to fall on her. "Why is there a 'we', who put you in time out?"

For a moment he hesitated, but upon seeing her raised brow he fixed the collar of his coat and slung an arm around her shoulders.

    "Not important," He scoffed. "What's important is you—"

    "Tell me something I don't know."

    "I—" He stopped, narrowing his eyes at her. "You have been listening to me when we spend time together."

    "Mm, some may say we've spent too much time together."

    "And who would say that?"

He looked at her, and then as if planned, they answered in unison.

    "Kaz." Followed by almost hysterical laugher from both of them.

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