xiv. oh woman, oh man

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14. chapter fourteen!
oh woman, oh man

trigger warnings:
death, fighting, ptsd

    Once she had bid farewell to Milo and had her help rejected by Kaz numerous times, Katarina had decided to spend the day in Ravka preparing for their next mission.

And by that she meant; doing whatever the fuck she wanted to.

    "What are you going to do?" Inej asked as she suited up for their next mission.

    "I have some unfinished business of my own."

That wasn't entirely a lie, the more she had thought about Ravka the more she realised her return would soon be the talk of the town, whether she liked it or not.

Her first location was a simple one, it was to one of the neighbouring villages that didn't stray too far from the pub they had just left.


She was an old and frail woman, and Katarina knew she would've barely aged by the time she reached her. Her back had a natural curve to it, so she walked with her shoulders hunched over and a wooden cane in her hand. Agatha had long, grey hair, that was always pulled back into two plaits. Braided into the plaits were always pieces of colourful string that she also wore as necklaces.

For as long as she had known her, Agatha had always worn too much jewellery. After all, she was the reason Katarina had so many rings.

They had met under rather unfortunate circumstances, when Katarina had fled from General Kirigan, she had ran into that village. Tried to disguise herself, and ultimately failed as The Darkling's guards were chasing her on foot.

Katarina had always been a good climber, and when it came to it, she hopped up on to the roof of a house she didn't look twice at.

    Her mistake.

She called through a small hole in the ceiling, landing her on Agatha's bed, much to the elders dismay.

Katarina owed a lot of her successful escape to Agatha, the woman gave her a much needed roof over her head and fed her until she was full. Now that she was back in Ravka, the least she could do was go back and thank her.

Not to mention, if her plan with Thalia fell through, Agatha was sure to have a way in to the palace.

She couldn't blame Thalia, not really. Had the roles been reversed, she couldn't say for sure whether she'd forgive the heartrender.

"One bouquet, please." Handing the man the coins, she in turn held one of the prettiest s flower arrangements she'd ever seen. The colours were bright enough to remind her how she wasn't in Ketterdam anymore.

Had Jesper been there to see the smile on her lips, he would've demanded she take some medicine for whatever disease she must've contracted.

Ignoring the strange stares she received, as soon as she reached the small shack that seemed even tinier than she recalled, she knocked.

The door opened, revealing a young woman around her own age with a frown on her face.

    "Oh, uhm," Katarina stuttered, for the first time in her life. "Sorry, do I have the wrong place?"

The woman titled her head.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    "Agatha." She replied, almost feeling guilty for not knowing her last name.

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