v. the tide that left and never came back

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05. chapter five!
the tide that left &
never came back

trigger warnings:
violence & swearing

    "You owe me." Katarina practically seethed at the man who was continently tied to a chair. Her, Kaz and Jesper had arrived in the nick of time, with Inej's blade pressed to the man's throat it was Kaz who had to deter her.

Katarina could hear Inej mutter something along the lines of wondering how the two knew each other, but she was more focused on The Conductor.

    "Wait, wait, wait," The man virtually shouted when she took a step towards him. "Sabine, come on. You were a child. That's what I do, I take children—"

    "No, don't turn this around. I wrote you that letter. You took me because I paid you... and you're a man, giving you money was like throwing a rabbit to wolves."

    "I smuggle deserters and refugees!"

    "I was hardly a refugee." Katarina rolled her eyes.

    "No, no," The conductor finally stopped shouting. "You? Y-You were a scared... scared little girl on the run, weren't you? And me? I helped you—"

Katarina didn't let him finish, in one swift moment; she pulled the blade Inej had given her out from her pocket, applied pressure to his hip bone with her knee and hovered over him, similar to the situation he was stuck in before they walked in.

    "What did you just call me?"

Her voice was low, but not quiet enough for them to mishear her. "I- I didn't—"

    "Say it again." She inched closer to his ear. "I dare you." The words rolled off of her tongue with ease, she was clearly accustomed with the phrase.


She applied more pressure to the knife, enjoying the sight of it cutting the surface of his skin.

    "Don't you ever, ever lie to me again. Especially not to my face, because I might just be tempted to rip yours off."

    "Okay, okay! I'm sorry. I'm- I'm sorry. I just..."

    "You just what?" Katarina asked as she climbed off of the man and placed the knife back in to her pocket. "Go on. Spit it out."

    "I already have someone booked for that ride out."

    "Cancel it."  Kaz spoke nonchalantly.

    "It's not that simple—"

    "Slitting your throat right here, right now, that is hard. It's.... messy, isn't it?" Katarina bent down, placing her hand on the chair for support as she looked at him. Terrified, he nodded at her words. "Cancelling a booking isn't. Is it?"

    "Well, no."

    "There you go!" Katarina purposely slapped his thigh harder than she would if they really were friends and stood up. "That wasn't so hard now was it?"

    "I'm not doing this to be difficult I swear!"

    "I beg to differ." Katarina sighed, standing beside Kaz but not close enough for him to feel as though she had forgiven him.

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