iii. the worst day since yesterday

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03. chapter three!
the worst day since yesterday.

trigger warning:
swearing & mentions of
some (?) violence/guns

    The next day had come and gone before Katarina had a chance to digest yet another bad dream, had she had some kind of therapist perhaps she could tell them, but for now she'd rather tell it to the bees.

She'd spent the entire day on edge, which was saying something for a girl who had escaped the likes of General Kirigan (as he called himself) as a teenager. She remembered the whole ordeal as though it was yesterday.

Panting, she doubled over once she was certain that she was out of sight, at last. "Can I help you?" A man's voice pulled her back to reality and she stood up straight.

He had a little more of a dumb-witted look to him than she expected, but his clothes and round glasses gave him away.

"Y-Yes! Yes, sir." She gulped. "If you're who I think you are, we better get the ball rolling right about now."

As soon as she had finished talking, on the horizon we're what appeared to be knights on white steeds with a black stallion front and centre.

"Please! We must hurry!"

"But— But–"

"But nothing! Get me across the fold and in return I'll keep you posted on anything that happens in Ketterdam, until I decide I want out that is. But that was the deal."

The conductor sighed, seeing such a young girl be a bundle of nerves was unnerving, although the opposition over the hill with their horses may have also been to blame for that.

The deal hadn't entirely worked out. Since Katarina had almost died in The Conductor's poor excuse for a vehicle and proceeded to save both of them, he owed her his life. Amongst other things; and had thought it fit to let the girl off with a mere warning of what Ketterdam held.

Nothing could prepare her for what Ketterdam had in store for her. At first everything was scary, a small kid in a big town, a big dangerous town. She had almost no real control over her powers. And what a shame she was such a powerful inferni.

Katarina had come to find that people in Ketterdam were not kind to those who were unlike themselves, even Annika had called her a monster before she knew her. Once upon a time, everyone hated her. That wasn't to say much had changed, due to backhand deals and underground trades, Sabine Markovich was far from popular amongst the town's resident's.

Sighing once more, she debated compiling to the nothingness that occupied her living space but ultimately decided against it. She trusted Kaz Brekker just as much as he trusted her, and it didn't take a scientist to deduct that he was planning something. Katarina couldn't help but notice that he always seemed to be planning in that head of his.

Hearing the sound of clattering outside her window followed by a no-so-quiet 'Dickhead', Katarina shot up and her hand fell to her thigh where her gun sat patiently awaiting for its moment in a perfectly hidden holster. Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang out, followed by the sounds of her only mirror shattering.

Katarina's head snapped in the direction of the million shards of glass that now occupied the floor.

Behind her, the sound of two shoes softly planting themselves on her floor prompted her to spin back around, her gun pointed at whomever had been bold enough to break in.

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