viii. a one woman army (and jesper)

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08. chapter eight!
a one woman army (and jesper)

    The walk back through the town and to the location Arken had given them was tedious and nothing short of awkward. Katarina was growing tired of Kaz, the way he demanded things. She had to resist the urge to remind him that she was not one of his crows, more than once.

The second Kaz stopped walking, Katarina did the same. With the night setting in, she didn't wish to admit it but she hoped Kaz had meant what he said about having a plan.

"That was lucky," A voice piped up from behind them, turning around Kaz almost dropped their light in surprise. Inej. "He's adorable."

"That's what I said!" Katarina sent a small smile the suli girl's way. Something Inej took to heart.

Before them stood a sign, one that Katarina roughly translated to say Landmines. Kaz outstretched his arm, signalling for the girls to stop.

"Ah! there you are." Arken. "Come on then."

"We'll wait." Kaz replied and Arken turned around. "Follow the path that you carve."

"That sign, that was my idea to keep people away. Can't be too careful. We're fine. Come."

Kaz and Katarina shared a look of cancer before he walked in front of the girls and followed Arken slowly.

"Do you trust him?" Inej asked quietly, falling in step with her.


She nodded and Katarina scoffed. "I'd rather greet a volcra than trust a man, if we can agree on anything it should be that."

The wraith didn't speak, but she didn't need to for Katarina to know she agreed. As the group approached what seemed like a railway track, she gripped the goat tighter, placing a small kiss on top of its head.

"It's one thing hearing about it, but this is—"

"Nothing compared to what lies within."

That was reassuring.

Arken handed his light to Inej and soon enough, the vehicle responsible for keeping them safe was on the railway. Katarina frowned at the sight, it hardly seemed to be more advanced than the skiff's Aleksander had let her play on as a child.

"Alright, so, goat, jurda... thank you. Now we're just waiting on..."

"Jesper." Katarina finished, the deal of somebody else riding with them had completely slipped her mind.

"Erm, excuse me, Mr condutor man! How long is this going to—"

A very red headed girl stumbled out of the doors to Arken's vehicle. Katarina turned around.

"Annika?" Her tone was venomous and her tongue was dangerous.

She was stunned, caught like a deer in headlights. "K-Kat?" She jumped from the vehicle, a false sense of coincidence mixing with the even faker laughter that escaped her lips. "Well, I, uh.. Fancy seeing you here!"

"Are you taking the piss?" Katarina placed the goat, on the ground, passing Kaz the lead. "Is this some kind of joke? Because I'm not laughing."

The entire group seemed to be taken aback, Annika included. Inej's brow furrowed and Kaz's gaze narrowed.

    "No? I'm thinking, this was a mistake...."

    "Good observation."

Arken cleared his throat and Annika turned to him, but Katarina's glare remained solely on her. "Are we missing something here?"

"Clearly." Kaz answered for her, his tone seeming very matter-of-fact.

Behind them were sounds of a shootout, Annika's instinct was to duck and she did, Katarina turned around. Jesper.

    "Wait for me!"

"They can't see the train!" Arken shouted, grabbing the torch from Inej and blowing it out.

"Jesper, get here now!"

"Leave the lantern!"

Katarina watched as Jesper hesitated thanks for the sign but another almost deadly encounter with a bullet prompted the boys feet to move before he could think.

Jesper arrived in no time, but with the men still far enough Katarina turned to Annika.

"Get out of the train, and get back to Ketterdam. Now."

"We do not have time for this!"

Both Kaz and Katarina turned to Arken. "Shut up!" They shouted at the same time, and the irony wasn't lost on Annika.

"Did you really think I was just going to let you do this? Alone? With people who'd trade your lives for theirs in an instant?"

Jesper scoffed, holding a hand over his heart. "Well, speak for yourself."

    "Come on!" Arken cried out.

    "Kat, let's go." Annika sighed.

    "You are in no position to be barking orders at me, Annika! You're going to get yourself killed."

    "And this fighting will get us all killed!"

    Kaz sighed. "Levitksy, let's go—!"

    "Fine!" She snapped, checking that everyone else was in the train, she walked forwards.

    "Kat!" Annika shrieked, attempting to jump out of the train but she was caught by Inej, who's arms stayed around her waist.

She knocked her wrists together before outstretched them, fire forming in her palms and following her fingers; creating what looked like a wall of flames. With her right hand she retraced the line, and with her left hand she created another.

Kaz made a mental to note ask her how she produced such fire without an already open flame.

Walking backwards, the second the shouting grew louder, she pulled her hands in a upwards motion and the flames grew as she did so. Taking the first hand that was held out to her, Katarina grabbed a hold of it and allowed them to pull her up.

Stumbling in to them, Katarina let out a small gasp as the doors closed behind her.

    "Saints, I think you might be madder than me."

Her eyes found Kaz's, no matter how much she wanted to look, she didn't.

    "Pull another stunt like that, Levitksy. And you'll be finding your own way to the Little Palace."

Had any of them been heartrender's, they've would've heard Kaz's heart beat and how it pounded in his ears at the prospect of her being hurt. And if they were inside of his head they would've heard how utterly ridiculous he found himself.

authors note!
oops lol. gotta love annika 💔
also kat finally used her powers!!!

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