Chapter 1

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Alright so I'm going to start this story when Harry's getting ready to go back to Hogwarts and Hagrid is taking Harry shopping to get all his supplies. I know it isn't the way in the books but this is a fanfiction.
Harry's POV:
I sighed as Hagrid and I walked down the cobbled street that was Diagon Alley.
Suddenly as we were walking, I felt a strong tug in my heart so I turned and I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
She had flowing, vibrant red hair, eyes that looked like molten chocolate, and a spattering of freckles across her delicate cheek bones and nose. Her lips were full and a deep pink.
She wore a pair of black, well mended, second hand trousers and a forest green blouse that clung to her figure exactly right.
Then I realized who she was, she was Ginny Weasley, Ron's little sister so I stepped forward at the same moment she did and she wrapped her arms around me as I wrapped mine around her and when we touched we were both enveloped in a golden light.
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I looked quickly around at my surroundings and saw I was in a beautiful meadow with wild flowers of all colours scattered through it.
Then I felt a gentle pressure on my palm, so I looked over and saw Ginny with her hand in mine.
"Hello, my name is Lily and I am your soul bond guide! I know this a shock for you both but, you two are soulmates!" A high pitched, ringing voice... well... Lily, said, " Also you and Ginny can be not touching but if either of you are not touching it will likely be painful for you both, the pain won't be physical, but it will feel like a piece of you is missing.
Another thing is there are some powers that come along with the soul bond, and they are: if you are separated and one of you feels a need for the other or they are in a situation that endangers their health one of you will immediately be apparated to the other and you will also be able to communicate nonverbally."
Wow, I though.
I know right! Oh hey Harry I figured I'd try out the whole nonverbal communication thing, Ginny thought at me.
"You will both be fairly disoriented when you return to your bodies," Lily said before the meadow disappeared and Ginny and I were snapped back to our bodies.
-----------------the page broke----------------
When Ginny and I opened our eyes, we smiled at each other before leaning in to each other.
It was like tiny fireworks were going off in my chest as she kissed me. The kiss was soft, gentle and full of passion.
I love you, I thought to Ginny.
I love you too, she replied through her thoughts and we stared deeply into each other's eyes.
Suddenly someone was trying to pull us apart which only made Ginny and I cling tighter to our other half.
"Ginny, it's time to go," someone, who I recognized as Mrs.Weasley, said.
Then I saw one of the goblins from Gringotts had walked over and said," As of today you have all witnessed the first soul bonding in seven hundred years!"
"Soul bond!" Mrs.Weasley spluttered," Harry's only fourteen! And Ginny, she's only thirteen!"
"We are aware of that but soul bonding knows not of age, they are true soulmates and it is very rare for this to happen, so if Mr. and Mrs.Potter would please follow me I will tell you a little bit more about the soul bonds legalities," the goblin said before walking towards Gringotts the Weasley family and I following close behind.
N/A hope you are liking the story. Please vote and comment!

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