Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:
The next few days passed with ease, love and lots of laughs.
One night when Mr.Weasley came home he announced that he managed to get us all tickets to the Quiditch World Cup that was in England this year and it was in two weeks.
"Ginny this is amazing," I murmured to her as we were laying in bed ready to go to sleep.
"Ya," she replied sleepily and snuggled closer to my chest," 'night"
"Good night, I love you," I said as I drifted off to sleep.
------------------the page broke----------------
The rest of the days leading up to the World Cup were spent playing Quiditch, doing chores ( mostly de-gnoming the garden and laundry) and spending as much time as possible with Ginny.
When it was the day of the World Cup, Mr.Weasley woke us up and told us to get ready.
After breakfast I could see that Ginny was still half asleep, so since I was fully awake I swept her onto my back and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her up by the backs of her legs.
When we started walking I found it very comfortable to have Ginny's curves pressed against my back.
"Harry, mate, you can let Ginny walk on her own, you don't have to carry her," Ron said as we treaded up the hill to where we were catching a portkey.
"I know Ron, it's just... I know she's tired and needs some more sleep, she's been having nightmares, and it actually is really comfortable for me.
She is amazing, sweet, kind, honest, beautiful, and perfect," I replied and Ron looked slightly shocked.
Ron's POV:
When I told Harry he could let Ginny walk on her own he said," I know Ron, it's just... I know she's tired and needs some more sleep, she's been having nightmares, and it actually is really comfortable for me.
She is amazing, sweet, kind, honest, beautiful, and perfect," and I stared shocked at him as he just kept walking.
I didn't know she had been having nightmares! How did Harry know she was and I didn't?! Where had Harry been sleeping for the past two and a half weeks?
All these questions flowed through my head and I pondered this and I kept walking.
Ginny's POV:
As Harry walked along I slowly woke up to the gentle rhythm of his steps.
Then I caught Harry words, "...She is amazing, sweet, kind, honest, beautiful, and perfect," and he said them with a level of adoration he only used when he talked to or about me.
Awww! My man is so strong and sweet, I thought and grinned slightly against Harry's neck.
Thanks my love, Harry replied.
Then he quickly shifted me into his arms rather than on his back and held me close to his chest and carried me bridal style until we reached the top of the hill where someone jumped out of one of the trees to land next to another male.
"Morning, Amos," Dad said while going over and shaking hands with him.
"Morning Arthur," Amos said," this is my son Cedric," while gesturing to the young man next to him.
"This is my family, Ron, Fred, Gorge, and Ginny, Harry Potter, and Hermione is one of Ron's close friends," Dad said.
"Arthur, did you hear that two teenagers soul bonded in the middle of Diagon Alley?" Amos asked and Harry and I started to snicker, trying to hold back laughter.
Finally it got to the point where neither of us could hold back our laughter.
"What's so funny," Amos asked toward Harry and I.
When we finally regained control of our breathing I said," you are looking at that soul bonded couple," then Harry leaned down and pressed his lips softly to mine in a loving kiss that lasted only a few seconds.
"Okay," Amos said.
Gin I'm going to set you on your feet now you're fully awake, Harry thought to me and I nodded my head and my legs swung down but Harry kept an arm around my shoulders and I wrapped one of my arms around his waist.
Then Amos held out an old boot and said," Everyone gather round and place a finger on the boot."
So Harry and I followed through with his instructions and touched the boot.
When everyone was touching the boot it glowed blue and then I felt a strong tug at my navel and we all started spinning and eventually we stopped and we were where the World Cup finals were taking place.
After we paid for and set up our campsite dad sent Harry and I to get water so we walked to the water pump and filled the pots Dad had given us.
As we were walking back I heard a nasally voice say," ok look at that, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, both filthy blood traders."
"At least we aren't cocky, arrogant assholes," I replied then Harry and I kept walking until I felt someone grab my and it so hard it was painful then they turned me around and slapped me hard across the face.
Then Harry leaped forward and his fist snapped across my attackers face and he crumpled to the ground unconscious. Then Harry turned and touched the side of my face with his soft finger tips.
I could see that Harry felt guilty, so I said," Harry, what just happened was not your fault, and I'm ok."
"I know it's just wish I could have stopped them," he said.
Then Harry opened his mind to me and showed me how much it hurt seeing me getting slapped and I reached over to him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips before heading back to the tent.
When we were inside the tent we deposited the water in the kitchen just before Dad called us and said," time to get to the stadium!"
N/A I have to stop the chapter here or it will be super long! Please vote and comment!

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