Chapter 8

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Ginny's POV:
As we rode the train I was seated on Harry's lap and he held me close as Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy showed up in our compartment and Malfoy sneered," Look at that. The couple who thinks their so special because they're "soul bonded".
"Well then how much do you know about soul bonds?" I fired back.
"Well I think that because Ginny is so poor she's got Potter under a spell so she can take all his money," Malfoy drawled.
"You have no idea what you are talking about, Malfoy, what Ginny and I have, you will never in a million years find a couple as close as us. Ginny is truly my other half and she isn't going out with me because I'm Harry Potter it's because we truly, deeply love each other!" Harry told them and they stalked off laughing and I gave Harry a lingering kiss.
I really hate those three, Harry thought to me.
I know, babe, I do too, I thought back and kissed him again full on the lips. His lips were soft as he kissed me back.
I shifted in Harry's lap and straddled his hips, while Harry slipped his tongue in my mouth. I tangled my fingers in his soft black hair and he clutched me close by the waist.
Then someone dumped ice cold water all over Harry and I.
When I turned I saw that the person who dumped water on us was Ron.
"Ronald! You did not just do that!" I screeched and he paled as I started to stalk forward but Harry placed his arms around me and gently kissed my neck to calm me down and it worked.
"Well, now that Harry and I are soaked we are going to go change in to our Hogwarts robes," I said and grabbed my stuff while Harry grabbed his.
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When Harry and or reentered the compartment, and settled in for another peaceful ride to the castle.
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When we got to the platform Harry and I left the train carriage hand in hand, and walked over to the carriages that would take us to the castle.
The feast was uneventful... until Dumbledore's speech when he announced there would be no Quiditch this year!!! Though he told us Hogwarts would be hosting the Triwizard Tournament and you couldn't enter unless you were sixteen or seventeen.
Harry James Potter promise me that you will not get someone to enter you in that competition, I told him sternly.
Yes dear, he replied and we both cracked up and everyone looked at us funny but we just laughed it off and Harry kissed me on the lips and there were a few wolf whistles from the boys. When Harry and I broke away from each other the boys asked," when did this happen?"
"At the start of this summer," Harry said," in the middle of Diagon Alley."
"So, you two are the soul bonded couple that was in the paper," Dean said and Harry and I nodded with smiles on our faces.
Once we finished the feast Professor McGonagall stood up and said," Prefects please escort the first years to the dorms and will Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley please come to the headmaster's office," and walked out of the great hall.
Harry and I were shocked and confused, but we both headed to the headmaster's office.
When we got inside the office Professor Dumbledore said," Mr. and Mrs.Potter we heard about your bond and we have decided that it would be inappropriate to keep the two of you in separate rooms so we have created a room that you will both be sleeping in, now Minerva, will you please lead these two to their dorm.
With that we followed Professor McGonagall to the dorms and she showed us to a spacious room off the left side of the common room.
The room looked almost exactly like the other dorms but it had only one bed, instead of six. Also a king sized bed, instead of the queen sized ones in the other dorms.
Then McGonagall left and Harry turned and kissed me, slipping his tongue in my mouth, and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I kissed him back and tangled my fingers in his hair.
We both pulled back when we were breathless an smiled at each other.
"I love you," Harry said.
"I love you, too," I replied before we changed into our pyjamas and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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