Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:
By the time I got home the tug in my chest hadn't subsided, it had increased somewhat, and as soon as I walked through the door, there was Vernon Dersley, looking furious.
"Where in the bloody hell where you boy!" He yelled at me enraged.
Ginny's POV:
My unease reached new heights as I felt the pull towards Harry strengthen.
Harry! I cried through my thoughts desperately.
Ginny, help! Harry sobbed though the connection.
"Mom, Harry needs help really badly," I yelled and tears streamed down my face, Harry, sweetheart, please hold on, I thought and our bond suddenly activated and I was whisked to Harry's aid.
When I arrived in the Dursleys living room I saw Harry on the floor with a cane being repeatedly brought down across his back tearing the shirt he was wearing, and cutting into his skin.
When Vernon was about to bring down another lash I leaped forward covering Harry's body with mine.
I took three lashes before mom showed up and hexed Vernon until he was unconscious.
"Harry," I sobbed and mom quickly treated both of our wounds before she grabbed our hands and apparated back to the Burrow, where we laid Harry on my bed, so I climbed into bed and held him tight to my chest as we both fell asleep.
---------------the page broke--------------
Harry's POV:
When I woke up I was disorientation, so I panicked, but as soon as I saw the slightly tangled, long, red hair that belonged to Ginny I relaxed and I pulled her tight to my chest.
"Morning, Harry," Ginny said as she woke up, stretched, and smiled at me.
"Good morning to you, my dear," I murmured in her ear, before placing my lips on hers.
This kiss was raw passion, and love. Through the kiss I poured my emotion into it, gratefulness, joy, sadness, helplessness, but most of all it was love.
I shyly moved the tip of my tongue across her bottom lip, and her lips parted under mine and I pressed the tip of my tongue to her.
Then she rolled herself so she was straddling my hips, while still kissing until we broke away in need of oxygen. When we broke away from the kiss I noticed how well Ginny's body fit against mine.
"I love you, so, so much, I'm pretty sure if you hadn't showed up last night I probably would have been killed," I told her.
"Oh Harry," she said pulled me tighter to her chest," you have no idea how much I love you."
Suddenly the door burst open and Ron who was standing there placed the trunk he was carrying inside and said," Ginny breakfast is ready."
"Okay we'll be down in a minute," Ginny said as Ron walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Once Ron was gone Ginny walked over to her closet and picked out an outfit for the day so I walked over to my trunk and pulled out a pair of black casual trousers, and a black t-shirt that I had bought yesterday. "Gin, do you mind if I change in here?" I asked with a shy note in my voice.
"Harry I don't mind, but just so you know I'm changing in here too," she said then I slipped off all the clothing I was wearing and slid into the clothes I chose for today.
When I looked up Ginny was completely changed and she grabbed my hand and lead me to breakfast.
When we got to the breakfast table and said," good morning."
"Hey Harry! When did you get here?" Ron asked.
"Last night," I said and Ginny squeezed my hand in reassurance as I winced remembering Vernon hitting me, hard enough to knock me out, with a cast iron pan, I opened the connection and showed Ginny the full extent of my beating last night, then her eyes got full of tears and she flung herself at me clutching me tightly as her tears socked my shoulder and I buried my face in her hair.
Molly Weasley's POV:
I noticed how Harry slightly winced when Ron asked him when he got here.
It was silent for a few moments then Ginny teared up and flung herself at Harry and started crying on his shoulder while he buried his face in her hair.
When I got closer I heard Ginny whispering to and I caught the last of her sentence,"... Harry I'm never going to let you go. I love you so much. I'm not going to let you go back there and I don't give a damn about Dumbledore saying you have to."
Then my baby girl placed her lips on Harry's in a searing kiss, I let this go on for a few seconds then loudly cleared my throat.
"Here you two are now let's have breakfast," I said.
Ginny's POV:
When we sat down, I kept Harry's hand firmly in mine.
Once everyone finished the great meal my mum made for us she assigned Harry and I to do the laundry.
So we went to the laundry room and started folding the clothes and chatting nonverbally with a radio playing in the background.
After we finished folding clothes there was a slow song started to play, so Ginny grabbed my hand and we started slow dancing and I never stepped on Ginny's feet once as we swirled around the laundry room in perfect sync.
The rest of the day went by in a blur and Ginny and I fell asleep in each others arms.
N/A hope you are liking the chapters. Vote and comment!

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