Chapter 20

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Ginny's POV:
"Harry," I sobbed and suddenly felt his presence in my mind again, and shouted at him nonverbally, NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!!!! HARRY JAMES POTTER, PROMISE ME!!! You disappeared from my mind and I had no idea what happened! I thought you were dead!!!
I promise, Ginny, I promise, he said back and I slammed my lips to his in a searing, tear filled kiss.
As Harry and I kissed the world around me dissolved and there was only Harry's lips on my and his body against mine.
When we broke away we smiled at each other.
Molly Weasley's POV:
As Ginny and Harry kissed a blinding light erupted from them and enveloped them in it's light and I turned away from it and after about ten minutes it dimmed and I looked at Harry as he caressed Ginny's face with such tenderness, and I saw him whisper something to her and she smiled while her moved her palms over his chest and her fingertips danced across his face making sure he was okay.
I can't even fathom how much those two care for each other, I thought as I watched them then continued to ponder this until as Ginny helped Harry to his feet and started to walk him off the field.
Ginny's POV:
As I started to walk Harry off the field I saw Professor Moody's skin started to bubble like hot wax.
GINNY!!! That is not Moody!!! It's someone disguised as Moody!!! Harry yelled at me nonverbally and cast a stunning spell that hit the person disguised as Moody in the middle of his back as he attempted to run.
"Professor Dumbledore! Come quickly we might have found the person who entered Harry in the tournament!" I yelled and a torrent of Hogwarts staff and Ministry officials hurried over and inspected the body of the stunned man who was laying prone on the ground.
"Brarty Crouch Jr.!!!" McGonagall exclaimed as she look at the figure.
"He shall be tried under vertisia serum, for treason and maybe we will be able to find out where Sirius Black is," Minister Fudge declared and dragged Crouch Jr. off to where he would be questioned and I escorted Harry to the hospital wing.
-----------------the page broke-----------------
After Madam Pomfrey examined Harry she found he was perfectly fine and was free to leave to the common room.
When Harry and I got to our room we changed into our pyjamas and collapsed into our bed, curled up with each other and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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