Chapter 19

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Hey people! So now I'm doing a time skip to the third task.
Ginny's POV:
It had been a beautiful day, the sun was shining, there were no clouds, and I got to spend most of it with loving husband, my big brother, Bill, and my parents.
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After Ludo Bagman told Harry and Cedric to enter the maze, I was on edge as Harry wound his way through the exceptionally tall, dark, misted maze.
When he was about half way through the maze, Harry came across one of Hagrid's blast-ended skewerts, and a bogart.
When Harry finally reached the end of the maze he ran into a giant spider, and Cedric helped him defeat it before grabbing the Triwizard Cup, which turned out to be a portkey and transporter Harry and Cedric away from the maze.
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Harry's POV:
"Where are we?" Cedric asked as we looked around and I noticed the headstones... we were in a graveyard.
HARRY, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?! Ginny screamed at me.
I don't... I replied then I saw a figure approaching with a cloth wrapped bundle in their arms.
"Kill the spare," the thing in the bundle of cloth hissed.
Then the figure yelled," Avadakdavera!" While pointing their wand at Cedric.
As the green light flew from his wand toward Cedric, I jumped in front of the blast and it hit me square in the chest before I lost consciousness.
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When I opened my eyes I was in a brilliantly white... train station?
Then woman with bright red hair, and a man with black hair that was messy in the back.
"Harry you have done so well! But you need to go back, to your Ginny," the lady said.
"Mom? Dad?" I whispered and they pulled me into a tight embrace.
"You're doomed so well, by boy," my dad said," and now you are one step closer to destroying Voldemort, he created seven horcruxes, the ones left are, the Gaunt ring, Voldemort's pet snake, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's cup, and Slytherin's locket. Destroy them and live your life go now!"
The the room faded and I felt the gentle pressure of someone on my chest who was shaking with sobs.
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