Chapter 2

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Btw the words in italics are when Ginny and Harry are communicating nonverbally.
Ginny's POV:
When we entered Gringotts the goblin led us to an office and the goblin said," Griphook, who are these?"
"These two," Griphook said while gesturing to Harry and I," are the first soul bonded couple in seven hundred years."
"Ah well, Mr.Potter this will come as a shock but as of today you are considered married as of today to Ginny Weasley. Therefore you are now able to receive the contents of your parents will and your family's vault.
Also with the bond, it's against the law for anyone to try to interfere with it," the goblin said addressing Harry then he turned to me and," and said Ginevra, you and Mr.Potter are now considered full adults, and you are allowed to use magic outside of school even though you are not seventeen."
Then the goblin pulled out a scroll of parchment and read," The last testament of James Arthur Potter and Lily Marie Potter née Evens, we hereby leave our four houses, and all of our vaults to our son Harry James Potter."
Then he handed Harry two letters one was addressed to Harry and the other to me.
I opened the letter and it said," Dear future daughter in law,
Please take care of our baby boy, show him the love we weren't able to.
We're sure we would like you if we were alive because if you make Harry happy, you are an amazing person. Please take care of him.
With all of our love,
James Arthur Potter and Lily Marie Potter."
By the time Harry finished reading his letter he was crying in earnest and I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug which he returned with equal force.
Harry tentatively opened his mind to me and showed how the Dursleys always told him no one could love him and how the letter from his parents and myself had changed all that for him.
I love you so much, I thought and kissed him soundly on the lips. The kiss was soft, passionate, and full of love.
I kept kissing Harry until someone loudly cleared their throat and we both pulled away sheepishly.
Harry's POV:
Ginny and I blushed heavily and the goblin handed me a paper and it said, "Vaults owned by Harry James Potter:
School trust fund:
2543 galleons,
500 sickles,
200 knuts.
Potter Family Vault
7546500 galleons,
5000 sickles,
3000 knuts.
Evens Family Vault
700543 galleons,
500 sickles,
123 knuts.
Along with these in the Potter Family Vault there are 5000 galleons worth of gems and family heirlooms."
I stared at the paper entirely in shock and passed it to Ginny who looked just as shocked as I was after she read it.
Harry! This is amazing! Ginny thought to me.
I know and since we are technically married what's mine, is yours, I thought back to her and she smiled, I don't think you got your dress robes yet.
No I didn't, she replied.
I'll buy them for you brand new once we are finished here, I told her and she grinned gratefully at me.
"Here are the addresses for all your properties," the goblin said and handed me another paper which I kept folded,"and that will be all for today."
As the Weasley family and I left the bank Ginny and I headed to Madam Malkins Robes for all occasions and Ginny pick a stunning gold coloured dress that had a corseted bodice that went to her waist and flared out slightly then flowed softly to cover her feet.
I got traditional black robes, but I got a gold tie and dress shirt to match Ginny.
After Ginny and I finished our shopping Ginny gave me a quick kiss before we both turned to the people who were escorting us home while continually chatting nonverbally.
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