Chapter 15

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Ginny's POV:
The weeks after the first task flew by. Most of the school accepted that Harry did not enter the competition. We had also figured out the screaming clue (Hermione figured out the clue was in mermish).
It said," Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took,
But past an hour - the prospects black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
Harry and I had considered what it could be, we had come up with nothing and needed to find a way for Harry to stay underwater for an hour.
Harry? Do you think we could ask Neville, if he knows about any plants that could help you in the next challenge? I asked Harry.
Okay, he replied and ran off to find Neville.
----------------the page broke------------------
Harry's POV:
"Now, it is tradition, during the Triwizard Tournament, to hold a Yule ball," Professor McGonagall said," I will not have any Gryffindors making fools of themselves by not knowing how to dance! Ronald Weasley come help me come demonstrate."
As she said that Ron turned bright red and I said, Ginny will you be my date to the Yule ball?
YES! Ginny replied and saw I was about to get dancing lessons and sprinted to the great hall where we were having lessons.
The song had just finished when Ginny slipped into the room and grabbed my hand.
"Alright, pair up and begin," McGonagall called and I swept Ginny toward me and we began to gracefully waltz across the floor and around the other couples.
Fred's POV:
I watched how gracefully Harry spun Ginny around the floor out of the corner of my eye.
At first I was pretty adversed to thinking that my baby sister was already married. To Harry Potter, no less!
But now I see that there is no one better for her and I can see the how much Harry loves her.
I also guess that, since they're soul bonded Harry will never break her heart... So I guess I really okay with this.
N/A sorry for taking so long to update, but I had a math exam, and I needed (and still need) to study for my drivers test! Anyway... VOTE AND COMMENT!

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