Chapter 21

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Ginny's POV:
"Mr.Potter, Mrs.Potter, the Headmaster requests that you report to his office once you are dressed," someone near my bed said.
"Okay," I mumbled and opened my eyes to see McGonagall leaving the room.
Harry, babe, you need to wake up, Dumbledore requested that we meet him in his office, I thought an nudged him.
'M sleepin', he thought back.
Then I knew I would have to resort to other methods to wake Harry up, so I sauntered into the bathroom, filled a glass with ice cold water, walked back to the bed, took the sheets off of Harry, and doused him in the water.
"GINNY," he spluttered his eyes flying open.
"Yes, Harry," I replied with fake innocents as Harry got an evil glint in his eyes and pulled me flush against him soaking me.
"Harry," I shrieked laughingly before pulling away from him and grabbing my robes to go change.
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When Harry and I entered Dumbledore's office and sat down, Dumbledore said," Harry, how are you feeling today?"
"Good, but why did you really call us here Professor?" Harry replied questioningly.
"I should have told you this before, but I wanted you to have a normal childhood, you were one of Voldemort's horcruxes."
"You mean to tell me that you didn't tell my husband that he was a horcrux, and a piece of Voldemort was living in him so he could have a "normal" child in a house where he was beaten, starved and called a freak!" I said and by the end of my speech I was yelling, and Dumbledore paled slightly, as he nodded.
"And he will never, ever, go back there, again will he?" I continued with menace in my voice.
"Unfortunately, he will have to," Dumbledore.
"No he will not," I snarled, grabbed Harry's hand and stomped out the door.
Harry, I think it's time that we look at that looked at that sheet of properties we have, I thought to Harry.
That'd be a good idea, Harry replied an we raced back to Gryffindor tower and pulled the sheet of properties we owned.
The properties listed were,
Potter Manor, near Hogsmead
Lion Fire Hall, in Scotland
Prong's Pad, Diagonal Alley
Lilly's Escape, Muggle London.
Harry, I think we should move into the Potter Manor, I thought to him and he nodded as I walked off to write a letter to Gringotts about getting a portkey activated by a password to the Potter Manor and one to my mom saying I was moving out.
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Molly Weasley's POV:
I quietly looked up as I saw a brilliantly white owl showed up at my window.
"Hey Hedwig," I said as flew in and I untied the letter that was attached to her leg and saw it was from Ginny.
It said," Dear Mum and Dad,
I would like to inform you that I shall be moving away from home.
I will be coming around the day after we return from Hogwarts, to collect my belongings and move in with Harry.
Harry and I will not disclose where we will be staying, do to the fact that Dumbledore would force Harry, against his will, to stay at the Dursleys.
Please know that I love you and will visit at least five times per week.
With all my love,
My baby, my poor, poor baby, I thought before heading to her room.
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Ginny's POV:
Dear Mrs.Potter,
Thank you for your letter. we are pleased to supply you with a multi destination portkey activated by passwords to all of the Potter's properties.
The passwords are the name of the property and I have enclosed the portkey which is the skeleton key in the envelope.
May your gold be ever increasing,
Potter family account manager.
I gingerly pulled the skeleton key from the envelope and examined it.
The key was tarnished bronze, with a clover shaped top as Harry wrapped his arms around my waist.
I never have to go back to the Dursleys! Harry thought in elation.
I know, babe, I know, I replied and kissed Harry softly before clambered into bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

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