Chapter 9

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Hey fabulous people who are reading my story at the start of each chapter I am going to put either a line of a song or a quote and you have to guess it and comment the answer! Here's the first one ( it's a song lyric), don't weep for me cause this will be the labor of my love.
Okay now to the story Harry's POV:
It's been almost two months since we got back to Hogwarts and the year has been going really smoothly, no boys have hit on Ginny and no girls have hit on me.
Today is Halloween and the other schools who are entering in the Triwizard Tournament are arriving today after the feast.
I was so bored in history of magic I started up a conversation with Ginny and we talked throughout the lesson using our connection.
At the feast Ron stuffed himself and Ginny and I talked nonverbally.
"Everyone, out to the lawn," Dumbledore said and lead everyone outside and everyone looked around for the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools that would be arriving.
Finally after about five minutes a large flying carriage came into view. It was a baby blue carriage with gold trim and satin drapes covered the windows and it had four, huge white horses with wings pulling it.
When it landed a very tall women stepped out and said," Dumbledore, so great to see you," in a heavy French accent as her students excited the carriage gracefully in baby blue robes.
Next everyone looked to the lake to see a ship rise out of the black lake.
First came the just the crows nest gliding gently across the water then it jerked up and there was a huge ship with men in black cloaks.
The ship looked like a standard pirate ship, but without all the torn sails. When they came ashore my jaw dropped... One of the men who had just come of the ship was the world's best seeker! It was Victor Krum!
That's when I noticed that all the boys except me were starting, starry eyed, at one of the girls from Beauxbatons.
She was, so beautiful, that she had to be at least part Veela and she was nothing next to Ginny.
When we were all back inside the castle the students from Durmstrang chose to sit with Slytherin and the students from Beaubatons chose to sit with Ravenclaw.
After the the introductions, we were all sent to bed and Ginny and I collapsed to the bed and fell asleep holding each other.

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