Chapter 5

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Harry's POV:
As the Weasley boys, Ginny, and I walked to the stadium I purchased some omnioculars, they are like binoculars but you could rewind, play it in slow motion, and re look at plays, for Ron, Ginny and myself.
When we reached the stadium the Ministry Witch directed us to the top box in the stadium.
When we got to the seats Ginny and I sat down next to each other and Ginny cuddled in to my side while we waited for the game to start.
When the mascots for the Bulgarian team came onto the field all of they men, except me, were staring at them, they were beautiful, slim, with blonde hair that blew elegantly out behind them, but Ginny outshone them in so many ways, her beauty was unsurpassable by any and she was also smart and she didn't love me just because i was Harry Potter.
Then leaned over and pressed my lips to Ginny's and held her close against my chest, and Ginny tangled her fingers in my hair.
We were both completely lost in the kiss, that when the Weasley's looked up they were shocked to see Ginny making out with me so one of them, rather loudly, cleared their throat and Ginny and I broke away from the kiss.
I looked at Ginny and she was flushed, her hair was messy, her shirt was rumpled, and her lips were swollen.
"Mr.Potter don't you think it is a little bit inappropriate to be doing that with your girlfriend at a Quiditch game?" The Minister said," and Ginevra why don't you go sit over there," while gesturing to the farthest seat from me.
"Minister, I don't think that you would like to break any laws," Ginny said," because it is illegal interfere with a soul bonded couple."
Then the Minister paled and apologized and since I didn't let Ginny go, so she just settled comfortably in to my lap as the Irish mascots came on to the field.
The mascots for the Irish team were leprechauns and they distributed fake gold coins.
"Harry, how were you able to turn away from the Veela!" Ron asked me.
"I think it was partly the soul bond I have with Ginny, she is the most beautiful girl in the entire world," I replied and Ron stared open mouthed at me and Ginny thought, Awww, you are so sweet.
Thanks my love, I thought back then the announcers introduced the players and the game began.
The game was really good and the Irish ended up winning but the Bulgarian seeker caught the snitch.
We all celebrated as we walked back to the tent and Ginny and I collapsed in to bed in each other's arms.
-----------------the page broke---------------
Ginny and I woke up to panicked screaming and looked around.
Harry, what do you think is going on! Ginny thought to me.
"Everybody, we need to get out of here fast, it's Death Eaters!" Mr.Weasley said panicked.
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