Chapter 18

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Harry's POV:
In the weeks after the second task, Ginny had convinced me to start working out for an hour everyday before breakfast.
Ginny and I started our physical training with a four kilometre run, then we other excises like push ups, crunches, and chin ups.
I also knew that Ginny was doing this so I had a better chance in the third task, she believed that it would have something to do with endurance.
Now in DADA Professor Moody was teaching us how to throw of the imperious curse, and his method could get him sent to Askaban. He was using the curse on students!!!
"Harry! Harry, are you even listening to me?!" Hermione snapped at me.
"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts, could you repeat it?" I replied.
"I said, would you like a hand with that potions essay?" Hermione said irritatedly.
"No thanks," I replied and set to work on my essay.
I really hope that the third task isn't nearly impossible, I thought before getting to work on the essay due tomorrow for Snape.
N/A sorry for the short filler chapter, I'll try to update soon! Vote and comment!

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