Chapter 17

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Harry's POV:
The weeks leading up to the second task passed quickly.
In that time Ginny had taught me to swim and I had mastered the bubble head charm which would allow me to breathe under water.
"Harry, I'm sure you'll do amazing in the second task tomorrow," Hermione said snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded my head but I was worried about what or who they would put in the black lake for me to find.
Harry James Potter! Stop worrying about the damn task this instant! Ginny mentally chastised at me.
Yes dear, I replied and gave her a heartfelt, passionate kiss.
As Ginny and I kissed we her a loud cough that sounded suspiciously like Professor McGonagall and Ginny and I broke away from each other.
"Miss Granger, Mrs.Potter, please follow me," Professor McGonagall said and Ginny gave me a soft peck on the lips before standing up and following the Professor out of the room and I turned to my homework as I waited for Ginny to come back.
---------------the page broke---------------
After an hour of doing homework I heard Ginny's panicked thoughts, I AM A GOING TO BE MY HUSBAND'S HOSTAGE FOR THE SECOND TASK IN THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT!!!
As I heard her thoughts my stomach dropped and I promptly fainted.
---------------the page broke--------------
When I awoke in the morning I remembered that Ginny was now at the bottom of the Black Lake and my stomach twisted itself in knots as I walked down to breakfast at which I couldn't eat more than a few bites of because I was so nervous.
After breakfast all the students, staff, and reporters flooded out to the bleachers set up in the lake.
After all the champions had changed into bathing suits Ludo Bagman said, "alright, now all the champions are here, we can begin, will you all please go to your starting positions and we will begin at the sound of the cannon!"
As I got to my position I pulled out my wand and ran through the spells I was going to be using.
Then the canon sounded a resounding bang, and I cast a warming spell and the bubble head charm on myself then dove into the frigid water and followed the tugging in my heart that I knew would lead me to to my Ginny.
Please let Ginny be okay, I thought as I neared the mermish village in the centre of the lake.
Once I was in the village I saw Ginny was tethered to a large statue to I moved to her and severed the rope that was securing her to the statue and pulled her into my arms and waited for the rest of the champions to collect their hostages.
The next person who collected their hostage was Cedric, then Krum.
I knew the hour was up now and Fleur still hadn't come so I severed the rope on her hostage's ankle and grabbed Ginny and the other girl and pulled them to the surface.
When we were on shore Ginny crushed her lips to mine and held her close to me as Madam Pomfrey wrapped us in towels.
After Fleur expressed her gratitude for saving her sister, Gabrielle, and the scores were announced (I was tied for first with Cedric), Ginny and I headed back to our dorm and spent the rest of the day just being together, kissing and talking until we both fell asleep.

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