Chapter 12

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Harry's POV:
Classes had flown by and my days were busy. If I wasn't in class, I was doing home work, or working on spells for the tournament, and if I wasn't doing either of those I was with Ginny.
One night as Ginny and I were hanging out, she exclaimed," Harry, I know how you can get passed the dragon!"
"Really! How?!" I asked.
"You are an amazing flyer! And you could summon your broom and get passed it!" She said.
"Ginny, you sweet girl, thank you so much! I love you," I said as I picked her up, held her close and twirled her around the common room and she was giggling the entire time.
I learned the summoning charm today in class but I'm not very good at it, I thought to Ginny.
It's alright, I'll help you, she replied.
----------------the page broke-----------------
After practicing for days, I was finally able to summon my firebolt and just because I knew what I was going to do didn't mean that I wasn't nervous as hell.
I have to get past a bloody dragon!
On the morning of the first task, Ginny gave me a long, hot, sweet kiss before I was escorted to the tent where I was to wait for the tournament.
N/A sorry for the incredibly short chapter. Vote and comment!

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