Chapter 7

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Harry's POV:
The last few weeks had flown by, with chores, Quiditch, and spending time with all of the Weasleys.
When it was one week before school started all of us headed to Diagon Alley.
Once we were in Diagon Alley I asked," Mr.Weasley, would you mind if Ginny and I went to Gringotts and met you in the Leaky Cauldron in an hour?"
"Not at all, we'll see you then," Mr.Weasley said and Ginny and I walked to the bank.
In the bank I requested to see the Potter Family vault and one of the goblins escorted us to the vault and lead us in to it.
When I looked around I saw piles of gems, silver and gold.
As I walked further in I saw a necklace, with a matching bracelet, and two rings sitting on a navy blue velvet pillow.
The necklace was a white gold chain with a pendant that had a large square cut sapphire in the centre and it was surrounded by diamonds that were only the size of pinheads, the bracelet was white gold with an alternating pattern of large square cut sapphires and small square cut diamonds. The earrings were sapphire studs and the first ring had a princes cut sapphire, that had a diamond embedded in the white gold on either side of the sapphire. The other ring was a plain white gold band.
It would look amazing on Ginny and, maybe I could give Ginny the first ring as her wedding ring and I could wear the other as mine! So I reached down and grabbed the set of jewelry before we were escorted back out of the bank to meet up with the rest of the Weasleys and Hermione.
When we were all in the Leaky Cauldron we used the floo network to get home.
------------------the page broke----------------
The rest of the summer holidays seemed too short an all to soon it was time to board he Hogwarts Express.
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