Chapter 13

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Ginny's POV:
As the canon sounded, Cedric came out and beat the Swedish short snout dragon by transfiguring a rock into a golden retriever. Though he got quite a nasty burn on his forearm.
Next was Fleur and she beat her Welsh green dragon by throwing, curses, and hexes in eyes.
In the end she got a small gouge in her shoulder.
After her was Krum, and he used a similar technique to Fleur to defeat the Chinese Fireball. He received a burn across the back and the dragon crushed it's eggs.
Finally it was Harry's turn. He was faced with defeating the Hungarian Horntail.
When he got into the arena he yelled," Accio Firebolt," and ducked behind a rock as the dragon breathes fire towards him and panic rose to my throat.
Then I saw the Firebolt, racing through the air to him. When it was within his reach he reached out and grasped the handle of his broom and leaped onto it and flew off.
As Harry swooped around the arena the dragon followed and Harry finally lured the dragon to the sky, and Harry dove, and as he grabbed the the egg the tail of the Horntail collided with his shoulder and the dragon tamers rushed in and herded the dragon from the arena.
As Harry was escorted to see Madam Pomfery I sprinted to the healers area and I got there just as Harry was being brought out of arena.
When I got near Harry I flung myself at him, shaking with relief, and I kissed him, holding him tight, and running my hands over his chest, arms and back.
"Harry, you did it!" I sobbed as I pulled away from the kiss and buried my face in the side of Harry's neck and he held me tight as Madam Pomfrey treated his wounds.
Harry's POV:
I did it! I beat the dragon! I felt elated as I kissed Ginny, I could feel her shaking, and the relief emanating from her as we kissed. Her hands slid over my torso, arms and face.
"Harry, you did it!" Ginny sobbed and buried her face softly in the side of my neck and her tears fell against my skin as I clutched her close.
When Ginny and I stepped away from our hug she grasped her hands and and headed back to the castle for the party in the Gryffindor common room.
N/A another chapter! Yay! This is officially my longest story yet! Vote and comment!

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