Chapter 22

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Hey people so I'm doing a time skip to the day Harry and Ginny are boarding the train to go home! Anyway, on with the story!
Harry's POV:
"Ginny, I'm sorry you have to move out of home so soon," I said with guilt lacing my voice.
"Harry, I've told you a million times already! It is FINE!!! This is my own choice, and I will go anywhere with you," Ginny said exasperatedly as we boarded the train.
"Hi there, Harry, what is this we hear," one of the Weasley twins.
"About our little Gin-Gin," said the other twin.
"Moving out," the first twin finished.
"I'm moving out because Dumbledore was going to force Harry back to his abusive relatives," Ginny stated while Fred and Gorge looked shocked but nodded and gave Ginny a big hug.
While I looked at the three an idea popped into my head and grabbed my Triwizard from my bag.
"Fred, Gorge, I want you to take this and start your joke shop, and I refuse to let you not take this," I said as I stepped forward and placed the bag carefully in to one of the twins hands.
"Harry, we can't take this," the twin said.
"You can, and you will, just think of it as an investment, and I will be a silent partner and will not take any of your profits, got it?" I questioned.
"Yes sir," they replied and mock saluted me before running off to find a compartment.
That was really nice, Ginny thought to me, but mum'll probably kill you though if she finds out.
Thanks, I replied sarcastically while sending Ginny a mock glare before laughing and heading on to the train.
-----------page break-----------
When we arrived at Kings Cross, Ginny and I found the Weasleys, and said," goodbye," before grabbing the portkey.
As I felt the that oh so familiar tug behind my navel I thought, this'll be one crazy summer.
N/A and scene! 

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