Chapter 16

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Hey people I forgot to mention that I took the song in the egg directly from the books and I didn't mean to infringe on any copyrights the world of HP belongs the J.K. Rowling, I am just playing with them.
Ginny's POV:
I started to play with the hem of my dress robes as I descended the stairs. The dress robes had a tight, corseted empire bodice, with gold and silver beading and spaghetti straps, which led to a flowing chiffon skirt that fluttered around my ankles.
I wore a pair of gold two inch heels and my hair hung in loose curls around my shoulders.
The eyeshadow made my chocolate brown eyes pop, I had a light blush swept across my cheeks and my lips were tinted with baby pink lipstick.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw and felt that Harry was stunned.
When I reached him Harry drew me to his chest and place a light kiss on my lips.
I love you, Ginny, Harry thought to me.
I love you, too, Harry, I replied and smile as he led me to where the champions were waiting to go in and start with the first dance.
As soon as we were with the other champions I saw Hermione standing next to Victor Krum and waved them over.
When they reached us we struck up a conversation until it was time to enter the great hall.
Harry kept a tight grasp on my hand as we took our places on the dance floor because he was nervous, but by the time the second song played he was completely relaxed.
Eventually they brought out my favourite band, the Weird Sisters, and Harry and I danced with each other and added in an occasional kiss.
Harry, I could really use some food, can we go get some dinner? I asked after about two hours of dancing.
Sure, Harry replied and lead me over to the table where we were desegregated to sit at then Harry left to get some punch for us and I ordered the turkey dinner for Harry and I as I was waiting for Harry to come back and our meals to show up, one of my year mates, Michael Corner, came up to me.
Oh Shoot, I thought as he walked over.
"What's a pretty little lady doing all by herself," Michael asked," because I would be happy to be your date."
My god, how thick can he be? I came in here with Harry and have been kissing him a lot. "Get away from me, Michael," I said in a scarily calm voice.
Gin, I am on my way back and I'll be there in like thirty seconds, Harry thought to me a small bit panicked because he'd seen everything I had.
"I'm sure you don't mean that," Michael said and kissed me on the lips and I tried to pull away but he grabbed the back of my head. This kiss was nothing like the kisses I had shared with Harry, those were passionate, and gentle, this kiss was like torture, it hurt, and he was crushing me to tightly.
The next thing I knew I was torn away from Michael and pushed behind someone. That someone had raven black hair, I let out a sigh of relief realizing it was Harry.
Then Harry pulled out his wand used a really strong bat bogey hex at Michael, then punched him in the temple, but not hard enough to knock him out before turning to me.
Harry pulled me into his arms tenderly and I buried my face in his chest while he kissed my hair, conveying feelings of love and comfort.
I'm so sorry that I couldn't stop him from kissing you, Harry thought to me.
It's okay, love, I'm fine and I have you right here, I replied, while tightening my arms around him and gave Harry a long, slow sweet kiss.
After we finished our dinner Harry and I danced the night away, and eventually collapsed onto our bed and drifted into the realm of dreams.
N/A I feel like a prat from not updating in so long, but I had a lot of stuff going on and will try to post chapters more often!

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