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I am at the company's cafeteria and now, on my last bites of my lunch but my three friends barely touched their food. I've already informed them that I accepted my boss' request. They were sad that I'll be leaving soon and so am I.

"Hey, come on. We can still call each other and I'll still be with you online during our Freeday" I said.

"Well, we don't have a choice are we? Just take care of yourself and keep your sanity while you're there" Fong said.

"Win, keep in touch with us okay? If that Bright did something bad to you, just tell us, we'll fly immediately to punch that brat" Ohm said.

"As if we can do that to the son of the chairman, idiot" Love said to Ohm while laughing. And then, we all laughed. I'm surely gonna miss this bunch.

"I need to go back now. My boss will introduce me to his new secretary and I need to endorse my work to the new one" I said and I went ahead.

Mr. Guys will be Mr. Windser new secretary. He is a 30 years old married man. I can feel that he is genuine and kind. He was personally picked by Mr. Kirk. Mr. Guys previously worked with him. He was already briefed by Mr. Kirk about his new work and I just need to endorse the things left for the week. Thank God for Mr. Kirk. He is always ten steps ahead. He is the most capable person I have ever met.

I will be overseeing Mr. Guys work until Friday as part of the transition. Then for the weekend, I will be travelling to my new workplace. I will have a week of learning the things about the company from Mr. Kirk before I will officially enter. I am lucky to have a considerate boss because they gave me time to prepare and adjust. I don't want to think that they were preparing me because I'll be working in hell. It is for me to find out if sir Bright is really the person the rumors told.


My family and I are currently at the airport waiting for our domestic flight. They decided to accompany me to my new place because they want to help me unpack my things and prepare my new home. They will be staying with me for five days.


Mr. Kirk picked us up and accompanied us to my new place. My family and I were shocked that it was a three-bedroom two-storey fully furnished gated house with a parking lot. "Mr. Kirk, this house is too spacious for me" I said in disbelief. "We are still considering the possibility of your whole family staying with you here, so, we chose this house" Mr. Kirk said. "Alright, I'll give you time now to rest. This is your new car key" Mr. Kirk added as he took his leave.


The following days, Mr. Kirk has been teaching me about the company. He always updates me about sir Bright daily schedule so that I can slowly adapt to it before officially working with him by next week. Mr. Kirk is obviously stressed working with him than with Sir Bright's father. "That brat is hopeless. He'd rather work alone than ask help from me. No wonder he didn't have the need for a secretary because he was able to work alone. He was bright in business deals but not so bright as a person. I just hope you can stand your ground long enough until he realized what he was missing. You can always go back to us when everything is not working for you, okay?" Mr. Kirk said. I just smiled as a response. It hit me differently when Mr. Kirk said something about my future boss. Now I'm nervous.


It is now Monday, my first official day at work. Mr. Kirk and I are now on the way up to my future boss, the 'rebellious bachelor', Mr. Bright Windser. I have no expectations for today. I just plan to go on with my work. And, I brought a lot of courage and patience today, so I will be fine.

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