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I left Win's house and now, I'm driving to Krist's house. He told me on the phone that he broke-up with Nami, his fiancé. I called Tay and he is also on his way.

Krist is the most serious among us in terms of relationship. He has been with his girlfriend for seven years. He just proposed four months ago. What happened to them?

I arrived at Krist's place. Tay is already with Krist consoling him who already drank the half bottle of Black Label.

"Krist, what happened? Talk to us" I said. He is crying while drinking alcohol.

"Nami called off the engagement" Tay said.

What? Why?


When Krist calmed down, he told us that they broke-up because Nami was not sure about getting married. She just accepted a once in a lifetime three-year contract with the popular modelling agency abroad. Nami said that she wanted to focus on that opportunity and she cannot do it if she is tied in a relationship. So, she decided to call off the engagement.

Krist is really heartbroken right now. He drowned himself in alcohol after he told us the story. He is now sleeping soundly beside us.

"He is really messed up" I said.

"He is. I can't believe Nami did that" Tay said.

"Dating a model is a pain in the ass" I said.

"Said the man who dated several models and celebrities" he said.

"I will never date any of those from now on" I said.

Tay laughed. "I will not believe that, ever" he said while still laughing.

"I'm serious" I said.

"Really? Hmmm, come to think of it, this is the longest time you haven't dated anyone. You can get any girlfriend anytime you want after a few days of breakup. What happened now? There is something you need to tell us, are you?" he said.

That is true. This is the longest time that I don't have a girlfriend hanging on me.

"Speaking of it. Gigie is still bothering us. Can't you really do something about it?" he said.

"She will stop eventually if you don't entertain her" I said.

"Then, what happened to you? Why are you not doing your habits anymore?" Tay said.

"I lost interest in dating women" I said.

"Why was that?" he asked.

"Did you ever experience a full change of heart in just a short span of time?" I said.

"What?" he's confused.

"At first, I was confused about why it was happening to me, who is a playboy and only used women for my pleasure. But after my experiment last night, I proved something'' I said.

"And what have you proven?" he asked.

"We are friends so I am telling you this now. It's for you to decide if you still want me to be your friend" I said.

"You are making me nervous, Bright. Whatever you will have to say, I am still your friend" he said. I'm relieved to hear it.

"Then, let me talk until I'm done. Do not interrupt me if you heard shocking revelations because I might lose my one percent confidence" I said and started.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now