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I was so worried of Bright's whereabouts during the whole day. He only called me once to say that he cannot go home yet. That was before lunch. It's already nine in the evening. There was definitely something bad happened to him. I understand that he didn't tell me through the phone but I just hoped he could have been called if he wouldn't able to go home tonight. I was startled when my phone rang. It was Sir Krist.

"Hello Sir Krist" I said on the other line.

"Win, I'm sorry but can you come here now? We're with Bright but he already passed out. We're sorry we let him drunk" he said.

Now, my worries just intensified. What happened to Bright? I immediately prepared to depart after Sir Krist told me the address.


I am so tense while driving to where Bright is. I am driving so fast right now. I want to get there as fast as I can. There were lots of things that running through my mind. On top of it was hoping that nothing serious happened to Bright.


I arrived at the restaurant with the scene of a three messed up men. Sir Krist and Sir Tay were holding Bright on his shoulders. There were some tables and chairs that were turned upside down. Sir Krist and Sir Tay were trying to hold on Bright while he threw tantrums on the whole area. The two finally saw me at the entrance.

"Win! Bright is acting up as soon as he woke up" Sir Tay said while holding on Bright's left side.

"Win! Maybe you can at least pacify him a little" Sir Krist said while holding on Bright's right side.

Honestly, I was froze at the sight of them. I couldn't move for a few minutes. I am staring at the messy look of Bright who was trying to break away from his friends' restraints.

"Win!" Sir Krist and Sir Tay called me again.

I suddenly cleared up my mind and approached them. I went to face Bright while his friends were still holding him. Bright was facing down and furiously kicking something into the air.

"Bright? Calm down" I said softly as I raised my hands to hold his face up so that he can see me. I stood in front of him so I was hit several of his kicks before he stopped when he saw me.

"Win? My Win?" he asked. He slowly calming down.

"Yes. It's me, your Win. I'm here now" I said.

Then suddenly, Bright cried. His friends let him go. Bright immediately hugged me while he cried. He is unusually heavy tonight.

"Win I'm sorry. I'm very sorry" he said while sobbing. I patted his back and looked at Sir Tay and Sir Krist for answers. They also looked apologetic. I'm sure they knew what happened. They're with Bright the whole day. But I guess, they will let Bright do the talking.

"Ssshhhh it's alright don't worry too much. We'll talk when you're sober" I said to Bright even though I know he didn't caught that right now.

I let Bright cried on my shoulder as he repeatedly apologized. His two friends were just standing near us looking helpless at the sight of Bright. We stood there for few minutes until Bright had the urge to vomit. Fortunately, Sir Tay was too fast to catch Bright's vomit using the beer bucket. Bright went to sleep on the floor thereafter.

I went down to the floor to pick Bright's head and laid it on my lap. He's snoring already.

"We're really sorry Win. We couldn't stop him from drinking beyond his capacity" Sir Krist said.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now