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Finally. I'm home.

My family picked me up at the airport. I hugged my mom tight. I hugged Uncle Nom and Aunt Jing too. I'm so happy to see these three again. This day was also the first time my mom and Bright saw each other after ten years.

"Mom, I've missed you so much. How have you been?" I said after hugging her.

"I've missed you too darling. We were great" she said and then she proceeded to face Bright who was standing behind me.

"Is that you little pumpkin? You've grown a lot" my mom said and offered a hug to Bright.

"Yeah. It's me Nans. Long time no see. How are you?" he said and hugged mom.

"Oh. I'm good dear. I'm so happy to see you again" she said.

Bright smiled as he pulled out from the hug.

"You have to visit me at home while you're here. Can you?" she asked.

"Of course. That was part of my plan anyway" he said.

We said our goodbyes at the airport. I gave him our home address and phone number. He was picked by his father's chauffeur. I heard his sisters were already at their family house. They are complete now. I'm happy for him.


We arrived home. I immediately looked for Lottie, our Chihuahua dog. She jumped on me and licked my chin. I'm glad she still recognized my smell. I played with her for a few minutes before I went to my room. I've really missed my cozy room. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. I reminisced about the times I was here. My thoughts were distracted when my phone rang. Love is calling.

"Hi Love" I said after I picked up her call.

"Win. Oh my god. Are you really here? I've just read your message" she said excitedly.

"Yeah. I've just arrived home from the airport. I planned to surprise you all but I suck at surprises" I said. She laughed.

"We were already surprised when you messaged us" she said. I laughed.

"Free your schedule tonight. Let's have dinner here. My family will prepare a dinner party for me. I'll also call Fong and Ohm later" I said.

"Okay noted" she said.

"Great" I said.

"Hey Win. How are you with your boss? The last time you told us, he was unusually calm" she said.

"Don't you have work to do? You're picking up something to gossip again?" I said jokingly.

"Oh come on. Spill it" she insisted. I laughed

"I'll tell you everything tonight at dinner" I said.

We talked for a few more minutes before we said our goodbyes. I also called Ohm and Fong to invite them for tonight's dinner. They were both furious and excited for the free dinner. It's still three in the afternoon so I still have time to take a nap before we prepare the dinner.


I was peacefully sleeping when I felt something caressing my face. I was half awake already and I wanted to sleep more but something was on my face. It was a soft warm hand and it's caressing my cheek gently. Who might be this person? And what is this person doing here at my house?

I tried to fall back to sleep again but this person's gentle hand just moved to my lips. This person's finger is touching my lower lip from side to side. The person did it several times before I felt something smoother than this person's finger. It was this person's lips. Oh for god's sake this person is kissing me.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now