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I woke with the light coming from the opened curtain. I was about to turn on my other side when suddenly, I felt a shooting pain on my behind. It was painful to move. And then, I remembered what happened last night. We've really done it. I turned my neck to look for Bright but he was not beside me. It was only nine in the morning. I'm just so glad that it was Saturday today. I still have time to recuperate. Bright did really rough last night even though I told him to be gentle. I saw him trying to be gentle but he was lost along the way. Last night, I had the most chaotic physical and emotional feelings as I shared my body with Bright. Nevertheless, I was happy and felt love. He took care of me until I got to sleep.

After I reminisced about my experience last night, I just realized I'm in a different room. Maybe, Bright moved me here last night because his bed was messed up with our fluids. Now, my challenge for now is how to reach the bathroom when a slight movement of my legs can cause so much pain on my behind.


I was trying to slide on my bed when Bright arrived.

"Oh baby, wait I'll help you" he said with worries all over his face. He then lifted me up and hung me on his shoulder. How can he carry me like this?

"Bright, I'm heavy" I said.

"Stay still, baby. You want to go to the bathroom, right?" he asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"Is it too painful? I'm sorry I wasn't gentle" he said as he gently caressed my behind while he was walking me to the bathroom.

"No, it's fine. I'll get over it soon" I said as I affirm him not to be guilty.


He left me inside the bathroom and he lifted me out again after I was done. He laid me on the bed again. He still looked worried.

"Where were you a while ago?" I asked to divert his attention from worrying.

"I just accompanied to my room the housekeeper I hired and then after that, I tried to cook you some breakfast but I failed so I just ordered online" he said.

I looked down into his hands and I was shocked to see that he got burns and mild cuts.

"You don't have to go that far. Look at your hands. All beat up" I said as I reprimanded him.

"But I hoped to prepare you food so that when you wake up, it will be the first you see. But my plan didn't go well" he said as he pouted.

"Oh, poor boy" I said and patted his head. He's still pouting, he was really upset that his plan didn't go well.

"Maybe next time, when I cook, I'll teach you some of the basics so that next time that you plan to cook food for me, you know how to do it already" I said in hope to calm his upset heart.

"Okay. That's a promise" he said and finally smiled.


Bright took care of me the whole day. By night, I can walk on my own already but it has to be slow. I wasn't able to cook food in my current state so he just ordered our food the whole day. Right now, we were hanging out at his wide veranda while having some fancy wine. My back is resting on his chest as he hugged me in his arms. His chin was resting on my shoulder and he would kiss my cheek from time to time as we talked about our life.

"Do you know that during that time when I took my one-week leave, I went home at my father's house?" he said.

"No. I didn't know that" I said. I didn't expect that at all.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now