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The phone on my desk rang.

"Win, go to the records section and borrow the files I emailed you" Sir Bright said. He sounded as if he calmed down.

I immediately went to the records section and looked for the files he asked. It took me a while to gather everything I needed. I went back to his office and placed everything on his table. I didn't see the food I brought a while ago, so, maybe he already ate it. I was unconsciously smiling when he noticed.

"What are you smiling for?" sir Bright asked.

"Nothing sir" I lied.

"Did my father asked you to baby sit me?" he asked.

"No sir. He only asked me to help you" I said.

He laughed bitterly. "Then, what help can you offer?" he asked.

"Maybe, you can start delegating the work that I was supposed to do. I knew you were working a lot more than you're supposed to do. I can do those things if you only give me a chance to prove my worth as your secretary" I said.

"Huh! You're a confident one. I am a perfectionist with my work. I don't want any single mistake as much as possible. That is why I can only trust myself with important deals" he said.

"Then please let me help you sir" I insisted.

"Then, what would you do if you were not able to deliver the performance I was expecting of you?" he asked.

"Then, I don't deserve to stay here with you. I'll resign my post" I said.

His face lit up and laughed a little. "You are amusing me. Then, it's a deal. I guess I'll never have to see you in the coming days" he said.

I smiled at him. Now we're talking.

"Then, you're just in time to prove your worth. On Monday, one week from now, I will have a meeting with the CEO and marketing director of the company I was fishing in to be our partner. I'm telling you, they are the real deal. I don't want any mistakes for this upcoming meeting. That's why I asked these files from the record section. I already made the 'to do' list. Take a look at it and prepare everything. I also need Tay and Krist to be on board too. You already met Tay, soon you will meet Krist. He is the marketing director. All the documents should be ready by Thursday and we will have the final furnishing of details by Friday." he said.

"Understood sir. I'll do my best" I said while smiling at him.

He seemed irritated at my answer. "Then, you can go now" he said.

I went out of his office with the files I am going to study and to make reports from it. I'm glad he delegated some works to me. I will surely not be going to resign because I'll prove to him that I'm worth it. Just you wait, Bright Windser. I don't know why I'm excited for this. Maybe, I really liked the challenge.


I put all my time and efforts for these upcoming deals. I even took home my work and studied everything. I want it to be perfect as much as possible. I am confident that I did what sir Bright expected of me. It is Thursday tomorrow, and everything is ready.


"Sir, these are the documents for the meeting on Monday. Please go through it and let me know if there are some corrections. I also gave copies to sir Tay and sir Krist" I said.

"Alright. I'll go through it later. You can go now. I'll call you if there are corrections" he said.

I left his office feeling satisfied. I know I did well. I was at my desk when sir Tay and sir Krist arrived.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now