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As soon as Bright and I closed the door after we entered my house with our soaked clothes, Bright immediately grabbed and kissed me. He pressed his body to me against the closed door, held both my hands above my head, and pulled my waist towards him. We kissed wildly as we finally satisfied our thirst for each other. We could hear our heavy breathing and moaning as we kissed and sucked each other's tongue. Bright started to remove my shirt and I did the same to him. He removed my pants and underwear, and just like that, with the fast swift of his hands, I am now standing naked in front of him. He also removed his pants and underwear fast and then, he went back to my lips to aggressively kiss it. He pulled me closer to him as he grasped my butt. Our hard parts down there were grinding each other. I shivered and moaned inside his mouth. It was the familiar sensation that I have felt before. I enclosed my arms to his nape while his hands were travelling on my body.

"Mmmmm" I moaned while we kissed. I've missed his warm touch.

He then proceeded to devour my neck. "I've missed you so much, baby" he whispered into my ear before he quickly bit it. I shivered again. It was ticklish and sensual at the same time.

"Let's go upstairs, baby. Let's take a bath together" he said then he held my hand and we quickly ran naked to my room.


As soon as we arrived at the bathroom, we kissed again under the warm water from the shower. He pressed his body to me against the wall as our hard parts down there continued to grind each other. I moaned several times with the sensation. Then, suddenly, Bright grasped my hard manhood while still kissing me aggressively. "Mmmmmm mmmmm" I moaned again through his mouth. While still grasping my organ, his mouth and tongue played in my neck, down to my chest, further down to my navel, then he suddenly put my hard organ to his mouth. I shivered and felt like there was some electricity that suddenly shot my whole body.

"Aaaahhh Bright not there aaaahhhh" I moaned to the sensation of pleasure but he was not listening. He moved his mouth up and down as he continuously sucked me. "Aaaahhhh aaahhhh" I moaned with the sensation. I held on to his head while he sucked all of my manhood. I shivered several times and moaned so loud.

"Aaaaaahhhhh" I moaned again before he finally stopped and went up to my neck then he whispered "I want it too, baby". I blushed but thinking of the heavenly sensation when Bright did it to me, I also want him to feel that way.

I copied what he did as I also grasped his organ while I kissed and sucked his neck, down to his chest, and down to his navel. I stopped in front of his big and hard manhood, then finally put it into my mouth. I heard him moan several times as soon as I started exploring his body through my mouth. I like to hear him moan too.

"Aaaahhh baby, yes, that's it. Aaaahhhhh" he said while he moaned as I moved my mouth up and down. I felt I'm in control while his organ was being played on my mouth.

"Aaaahhhhh" he moaned and held my head. I sucked him several times as he moaned. "Aaahhhh Win, baby, this is good. Aaahhhh" he said before he finally stopped me and pulled up to him.

"Let's come together, baby" he whispered to my ear as he grasped my organ and started to move it up and down.

"Aaahhhhh" I moaned as I grabbed his organ too and followed his rhythm.

"Haaaaaa aaaahhh yes baby, a little more" he said. I could only respond with a moan. "Aaaahhh Bright, I'm almost there aahhhhh" I said as I could already feel my peak. We moved our hands faster as we were about to reach our climax.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhh ughhh ughhh aaahhhhh" we moaned together as we released our fluids into each other.

"Oh baby, that was heavenly" he said as I saw him shivered.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now