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I am already wide awake but here I am, still lying on my bed staring at my ceiling on a Sunday morning. It's already nine in the morning but I haven't got up yet. I'm still processing what happened yesterday. I can still feel his lips touching mine. It was a blissful feeling. I never expected that Bright is now my boyfriend. I never had a relationship before so I don't have any comparison but this is the happiest moment in my life.

Since the day we went back from his father's party, I have been convincing myself that my feelings for Bright were not love; that I only cared for him because he was my friend and my boss. But after I took time to process everything, I realized I've been fooling myself all this time. When we took time off for ourselves, I started to miss him. I started to look for his care. The month that we're not talking about our feelings was the hardest moment but also the most needed timeout I had ever experienced. I realized I was already in love with him since the first time I called him by his name. That was after we played golf. But silly me, it took me so much time before I realized my feelings for him.

I also have to thank my friends who knew my situation with Bright. During my timeout with Bright, I spoke regularly to them because I was already getting crazy on those times. They helped me realize my feelings towards Bright. They also acknowledged my fear of being judged. They were all very supportive of me all throughout. When I called them last night to inform them that Bright and I were finally dating, they were all so happy for us. That was also the time they confessed their crime during Mr. Windser's party. They told me that they asked Mil to flirt with me at the party. And even though their original plan was for Bright to get me out of that scene, they were still able to confirm that Bright was indeed jealous and that he really loves me when I told them what happened when I followed Bright in his room after he left the party. They were so evil but I still love them.

There is only one thing I was worried about. It's my mom and Bright's family. I'm not ready yet to tell my mom. I still talk to her on the phone about anything but I skipped sharing my feelings towards Bright. I think I need to go home next time to tell her about it. As for Bright's family, I don't know how big the implications would be but I believe in Bright. I will support him no matter what.

My thoughts were distracted when my phone rang. It's him. My boyfriend, Bright. My heart beats faster with the thought of Bright being my boyfriend. I'm so happy.

"Hi. Good morning" I said in a jolly voice after I picked up his call.

"Hello baby. Good morning. How was your sleep?" he said in a soft voice.

Baby? I'm his baby? My heart. I'm screaming internally.

"I had a good night's sleep" I said.

"Me too. Though I feel lonely sleeping alone without you by my side" he said.

"Oh shut up" I said as I chuckled.

"I want you here baby. Please come to my place" he said.

Oh, what to feel? He just invited me to his place. I'm so touched and happy.

"Okay. Where is your place?" I asked. I heard his loud 'yes' and told me his address. He sounds happy that I'm going to him. I'm happy too.

"Call me when you're in front of the building so that I'll go down to fetch you. I'll also give you access to my parking space" he said.

"Okay. See you later" I said.

"See you, baby. Thanks for granting my selfish request" he said.

I chuckled "Bye for now, I'll just prepare" I said.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now