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"Please calm down a little, or else you will lose consciousness again" I said to the patient's wife. She is Mrs. Lena Teeps, the wife of the patient named Gary Teeps. Together with her is their daughter. We are now at the hospital waiting for the outcome of the operation. The doctors said a while ago that they found out that he just went into hemorrhagic stroke causing blood clots in his brain. They need to operate it immediately to remove the blood clots.

His wife has been crying and praying for an hour now while his daughter was sitting quietly. I was calming Mrs. Teeps when the old man from the parking lot arrived. But what shocked me most was the man behind him. It is my boss, Bright. What is happening? Why are they together?

I couldn't look at him straight. I'm guilty for ditching the meeting. I looked down while the old man was introducing my boss to Mrs. Teeps and her daughter.

Mrs. Teeps went immediately to the old man and thanked him for looking for help for her husband. "It's all I can do. It was Win who saved him" said the old man. "By the way Win, I am sorry for introducing myself late. My name is Richard Teng" he said.

Wait, what? He is Mr. Teng? But the pictures I saw from the internet were different from this Mr. Teng in front of me? But how did my boss know that I was here? I didn't even tell anything about my boss. I was confused.

"Win" Mr. Teng distracted me from my thoughts. "I told your boss everything that happened in the parking lot. I found out he was your boss when you were instructing the hotel staff about the documents. Your boss wanted to come here with me" he said.

So, that was why my boss is here. "Win, thank you for helping us. I know you're tired now. You can leave things to me from here" Mr. Teng said.

"Let's go Win. I have come to fetch you" sir Bright said. Am I seeing a miracle?


I am now at sir Bright's car. He is driving me back to the hotel to get my car. I have been silent since we leave the hospital. I want to apologize for suddenly disappearing before the meeting but my tongue is not cooperating.

"Did you have lunch?" he broke the silence.

"I haven't sir" I answered. Then, silence again until we reached the hotel parking lot.

"Let's go to the restaurant first before we go back" he said. I didn't respond because I was confused.

"You have to eat first. Come on now" he said and went ahead to the elevator.


"You order anything you want" he said. We are now at the fancy restaurant. I am not really used to this kind of treatment. What happened to him?

"Win, are you listening?" he said.

"Oh, yes sir. I am still looking on the menu" I said and focused on the menu.

"You better not hold back in ordering, or else I will be the one who will order for you" he said with a warning.

Sometimes, he is a little bit controlling. I ordered pumpkin soup, angus stake, and greek salad. He ordered a glass of wine.

"By the way, we got the deal" he said.

"Oh, thank god. Congratulations sir" I said in relief.

"No, it was all thanks to you. Mr. Teng paid back for saving his secretary" he said.

"Oh" it was the only word I uttered. I don't know what to feel right now.

"It was a little bit disappointing that we got the deal because Mr. Teng is indebted to you but he also said that he really liked the proposal and he said that it's just fair on both side. So we just have to prove to him that we deserved the deal" he said.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now