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I woke up due to the light from the sun. My head wanted to explode. I kept my eyes closed while massaging my forehead. I just realized that I slept in the sofa. I slightly opened my eyes to confirm if it is my home. I'm home indeed. Then, I remembered the incidents in the club. The worst part was, I vomited on my boss. I still want the floor to swallow me. Despite what I did to him, he still drove me home. Aaahhh! How will I show my face tomorrow? I'm glad it is still Sunday. I will have the time to rest.

I gathered my strength to sit down on the sofa. I opened my eyes and saw two tablets of pain reliever and a glass of water. It might be Sir Bright who prepared it before he left me. I immediately took it and lied down again until my headache subsides.


I was awaken by the ring of my phone. I fell asleep again after I took the medicine. My headache has gone. I took my phone but froze upon seeing that my boss is calling me. What does he want?

"Hello?" I said.

"Win. How are you feeling?" he asked in a soft tone. Is this really him? I did not respond.

"Win? Are you alright?" He asked again.

"Yes sir. I'm better now after I took the medicine you left. Thank you sir. I also want to apologize for what I did in the club. I am very sorry for vomiting on you. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you again sir" I said.

"Apology accepted. It's all right. So, what do you want to eat?" he asked.

Huh? What?

"Sir?" I said as I looked on the wall clock. It was already one in the afternoon.

"I'm going at your place. I'll bring you food so that you don't have to hassle anymore. You might not recovered yet from your hangover" he said.

Wait, what? He's coming here? But why?

"Win?" he said. I am not really good at talking with this man.

"Uhm.. May I ask sir why are you coming here?" I asked.

"Do I need a reason?" he answered my question with another question. I don't really understand him. What in the freaking macaroni is he planning? Of course I want to know the reason because it was very unusual.

"Because I want you to do something with the documents I am bringing so that it will be ready for tomorrow" he said when I did not answer him. So he is coming for work that could not wait for tomorrow. All right then. At least he have a valid reason to come.

"Alright sir" I just said.

"Then, what do you want to eat? I'll be there in an hour" he said.

"Anything sir. It's up to you. I'll eat anything being served to me especially when it's free. Beggars cannot be choosers" I said. He laughed a little.

"You are funny sometimes. Alright. I'll just buy anything I came across on the way" he said.


As I am wiping my head after I showered. The doorbell rang. I took a look from my room window in the second floor and saw my boss holding a brown bag. He really came and brought some food.

I hurriedly went downstairs and opened the gate.

"Welcome sir. Let me help you with that" I said as I took the brown bag in his arm.

"Thanks Win. Let's eat first" he said. There was something really weird about him. He was usually soft when he talked to me.

I guided him inside the house and I put the food in the dining table. He took his seat while watching me unpack the food.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now