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For the two days that I didn't go to work, I distracted myself by redesigning my room. My thoughts have been busy with the new look of my room. I played upbeat music while I was busy. I have to be done before I'll take my flight back to my workplace.

My family and friends have been great support to me. I think I can control my emotions a little now. I have already cried most of my pains so I guess I can at least return to my work now.


It's Wednesday morning. The day I had returned to work. I came early so that I still have to review the things I've missed. I have already prepared myself. I'll only focus on work today, tomorrow, and the following days. I'll let my heart heal through time.

I flinched when I sensed the presence of my boss in front of my desk. I took a deep breath before I looked at him.

"Good... morning Sir" I said. My heart skipped a little when I looked at him. He looked sad and teary-eyed. And, did he lose weight?

"Morning" he said and frowned. "You've lost weight. Have you been eating?" he asked. Did I lose weight too? I was just asking the same question.

"Yes Sir" I said and looked down. I lied. I already lost my appetite for quite some time now.

"Win, baby, can we..." I flinched. Here he starts with his agenda. I interrupted him.

"Sir... It would be better for us if we only talk about work for now" I said while still looking down.

He didn't respond but I heard him sigh.

"I still need time for myself" I whispered. I hope he heard it.

"Alright. I've missed you so much Win. I love you" he whispered then walked towards his office.

I was startled by his reply. Crap! My tears were about to come out. I ran into the restroom to regain my composure. I thought I had prepared myself already. I can't break down at work.


I came back to my desk only to find out that Bright was standing there.

"I was calling you but you're not answering the intercom" he said casually.

"I apologize Sir. I just went to the restroom. What can I help you with?" I asked.

He asked me to work on some documents. I obliged and refocused myself on my work. Every time I was distracted by my sudden random thoughts, I would slap both my cheeks, drink my water, and remind myself to stay focused. I'm just glad that Bright limited his encounter with me. That helped a lot.


I buried myself at work the whole day until I noticed it was time to go home already. Time really flies when you're not looking forward to it. I finished my work and prepared to go home. Bright also went out of his office to go home.

"You're done for today? You're going home now?" he asked.

I nodded. I said my goodbye and went to the elevator. He followed me. Thank God, he did not talk to me until we arrived at the parking lot. I was supposed to go ahead and to reach my car as fast as I can but Bright suddenly grabbed my arm. I looked at him with my horrified face. I'm not ready to talk to him right now.

"Please let go of my arm" I asked politely.

"I'll follow you until you get home, then I'll wait outside your home until you decided to talk to me. I'll do it every day until you're ready to talk to me" he said and let go of my arm.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now