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Living alone abroad was really difficult. It's really challenging for me to adjust in my first months while coping too with my studies. I was lucky because Mr. Windser gave me a comfortable apartment just a few meters away from my school. At first, it was really hard adjusting with the place, the people, the culture, and the weather.

It's been six months already and finally, I'm starting to feel at ease. I thanked Bright, my family, and my friends for constantly checking on me. On that way, I felt a little taste of home every time we video called each other. Bright made sure that he talked to me every day. The time difference was the main challenge because I was ten hours behind. Every day, he made sure that his love would reach me across the pond. I've missing him so much that sometimes I want to go home already.

As for my training, it's been great. I am actually one of the excelling students. I want to pour all my efforts to it so that the people who believe in me will be proud of me someday. And above all, I was doing this because of Bright. I want to stand with him when he reaches the top someday.

Speaking of reaching the top, Bright already moved to the main conglomerate house as per his father's request. Slowly, he was already taking some of his father's roles. And as Bright told me, it was possible that in five to seven years from now, he might be inheriting his father's role. I need to be the best also at my work so that I will be his asset someday.


"Hi, baby. How are you there?" Bright said waving his hand at me during our video call. He's at work.

"Hi, babe. I'm good. And you?" I asked.

"As usual, another busy day" he said.

"Are you taking care well of yourself?" I asked with a tinge of worry.

"I am, baby. I don't want you to worry" he said. I smiled.

"Good" I responded.

"I'm really missing you so much, baby" he said in his sad eyes.

"Me too. I'm missing you so much this big" I said as I gestured to open my arms as wide as I can. He chuckled.

"As much as I want to visit you there, I couldn't because I still need to learn a lot of things here" he said in his sad voice.

"Don't sweat about it. Just look at how much time has passed already. I'm now down to one and half years before I graduate" I said as I encouraged him more.

"I still hope to visit you there though" he said.

"Maybe someday when you get the chance" I said.

We were still talking when I heard his secretary arrived and reminded him for his next meeting.

"Oh, it's time to work again" I said.

"Yeah. Laters, baby. Take care always. I love you" he said.

"I will. I love you too. Bye" I said and we ended our call after I approached the camera of my laptop to send him my virtual kiss.


As the time passed, I excelled more in my training. I was already accustomed to this country and that was because I got some help from the new good friends that I've met. And now, as my training has come to an end, I was more fueled to give it all. It's only one month more before I'm done. Time really flies so fast. I'm excited to go home and be with my family and of course, be with Bright. I really want to hug them already.


Today is just another end of the day. I'm currently walking home now to my apartment. It was always like this. After my training ended, I walked straight to home. During the weekend, I went out with my friends. I was so lucky with them because they were very accommodating of me. I also introduced Bright to them during one of our video calls. I was grateful that they warmed up immediately to Bright and the same also for Bright to them. It's now spring season in the UK. My friends and I planned to trek and camp in the countryside on the weekend. I'm already excited even though it was just Tuesday. I smiled at the thought of it.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now