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I am such a mess. I can't believe I did that to Win. He really looked scared when I forcefully kissed him. I can't blame the alcohol for that because my judgement was all clear that time and I know exactly what happened. Because of my stupidity and jealousy, I lost my composure that I even hurt his feelings. I wouldn't want to see his face like that ever again. Win fearing me is the thing I never want him to feel for me.

Tomorrow, we'll be going back to work. And here I am at my penthouse reprimanding my stupid self for what I did to Win. Somehow, looking around my place while sitting alone in this wide living room, I realized that I was living a lonely messed up life before Win came into the picture. This penthouse is so big for me that I feel like an ant. It must have been a lively home if I had someone I love staying with me. One rule I set myself when I was dating before was to not ever bring them here. This penthouse is my safe place and I wouldn't want someone else bothering me here given that I never planned to settle with anyone I dated. Well, my trusted friends were my exceptions. They can come here as much as they can.

What will I do tomorrow the first thing I see Win? I really messed up. It has been wonderful when we went home to our own family. Win was so happy to stay again with his family. Win was more relaxed with me. Somehow, I felt that Win was already warming up to my affections. He was already used to how I took care of him by the decrease of the times he protested every time I did something for him. I really like taking care of him. I wished I could put him into my pocket so that he can stay with me all the time.

Every time he calls me by my name, my heart beats faster. It felt good. My mood always lit up after I heard him say my name. I wish he could say more my name. I still remember the first time he said 'Bright' when I drove him home after we played golf. My heart skipped the first second I heard it. I know I was insisting him to call me by my name but he suddenly said it when I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't prepared for that but that was one of my happiest times with Win.

I just wish Win will still give me a chance to show how much I care for him. I can't bear to lose him. I've gotten this far so I will not stop chasing him even if that would mean losing everything. I haven't told my family about it but I think my sisters already had the idea about what was going on. I'm just glad that they treated Win well. That's a good start for me.

Aaahhh! I want to call Win. I want to hear his voice even for just a minute. Will he pick it up this time? I have to try or else I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

His phone is ringing but he isn't picking up. He really doesn't want to talk to me. This is so frustrating that I have the urge to go to his house now. He really did not pick up my call. This is a first. It's only eight in the evening. I know he is still awake during this time because I always call him around ten in the evening to say my good night. Is he that mad? He has been silent since yesterday morning. I couldn't blame him because I wronged him. I thought I was giving him space by limiting my conversations to him.

My troubled thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. I immediately sat straight when I saw who was calling. It's him. It's Win. I smiled and picked up his call.

"Hi Win" I said in my softest voice I can ever produce.

"Hi. I'm sorry I wasn't able to pick your call a while ago" he said.

"It's alright. I'm sorry I bothered you" I said.

"It's fine" he said.

We stayed quiet for a few seconds. What should I say? I can't read him if I can't see him.

"Win?" I said.

"Yes?" he said.

"Please be patient on me" I said. I don't want to lose him. I didn't even have the chance to keep him mine.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now