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The alarm we set at six in the morning sounded. I was awakened by the alarm and by the hand caressing my face.  What a blissful Monday to wake up beside my boyfriend.

"Good morning, baby" Bright said in his sweetest smile before he gently kissed my forehead.

"Good morning" I said and smiled at him.

"Can we stay like this the whole day?" he said as he hugged me into his arms and entangled his legs on top of my waist. I hugged him too while burying my face on his neck.

"You know well that we have some work to do, Sir" I said as I emphasized the word 'Sir' to tease him.

"Don't tease me Win. You wouldn't want what I would do to you" he warned.

"Bring it on" I bravely said. He chuckled and hugged me tighter.

"No, seriously. I really want us to stay like this the whole day. This is my happiest morning that I have ever woken up to. This was also the most relaxed sleep I've ever had. You know why? Because finally, you're with me now. The man who turned my whole world into 360-degree change. I thought I'll never have you. That was scary" he said in his soft voice as he gently caressed my hair.

"Me too. I never expected that my first love would be you" I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Uhuh" I uttered.

"I'm the luckiest. I'll never let you go" he said as he hugged me tight again.

"I can't breathe, you wolf" I said as I tapped his back.

He chuckled, kissed my head, and loosened up.

"Let's go to work" I said as I prepared to break away from our hug.

"No. Let's stay like this for a little longer" he said.

"You're such a brat. Come on. We have to go to my place first" I said and forcefully pulled away from our hug. He is pouting like a child.

"Fine. But we have to use my car. Leave your car here" he said.

"And why was that?" I asked.

"So that after work I'll drive you back here" he said.

I released a deep sigh and before I could speak, he hit me again with his selfish request.

"Baby, please? Don't you want to stay with me?" he begged in his softest tone.

"Don't stare at me like that in that soft tone. I already stayed here last night" I said.

"Then, can I stay at your place tonight?" he asked. He is not giving up. I didn't respond. He's staring at me waiting for my answer. I really cannot win with this persistent man.

"Fine. Let's work first" I said.

His face lit up. "Yes" he said and kissed my forehead. He then stood from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Geez. How childish can he be?


Bright and I arrived at the office just in time. I think we were in our happiest spirit today. I felt blissful. I was inspired more to do my best. I want Bright to be proud of me as his secretary and as his boyfriend. But of course we have to stay out of our personal relationship when we are at work. It's business for us as usual. There is only one thing that has changed. He is more relaxed now and easier to talk with. He is gradually gaining everybody's heart. I am proud of him.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now