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This day was one of my happiest days. I am eating breakfast with Win, the love of my life. I felt loved every time he prepared me something to eat. I'm so happy that Win gradually warmed up to my possessiveness of him. Last night, I had the most heavenly experience of possessing him. I'll treasure those moments forever. He was at his loveliest look in his face as he gave in to my selfishness to monopolize him. He was so adorable every time he felt the pleasures from my overflowing love for him. It's true. I love him so much that I would move mountains just to make him feel loved by me.

I like the feeling of this wonderful Saturday morning. This is the life I wanted with Win. A simple and relaxed domestic life. I like hearing his stories. I like the sound of his giggles. I love everything about him.


We just finished our breakfast and here we are on the sofa, cuddling endlessly while still wearing our thin pajamas. This time, it was more intense as I was able to touch him more. I like the sound of his moan. It was so sexy that I felt more urges to devour him. I cannot get enough of him just like this. I want more of him but I have to be patient until he becomes ready to accept my greediness. When that time comes, I won't hold back. I'll surely fill him with all my love and desires until he gets drowned.


We were interrupted from our blissful moment when the telephone rang. It was Krist. It was an emergency call. I didn't tell Win what was about it. I don't want to worry him much.

"I'm sorry baby, I have to go" I said after I changed into my casual clothes.

"Will you be fine? Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" he asked in his worried face.

"It's alright, baby. Tay is also on his way now. I'll tell everything later once I got home. I just wanted to assess the situation first" I said.

"Alright. You take care, okay?" he said.

"I will, baby" I said. I kissed him on the lips as gentle as possible to take away his worries. And then I kissed him on the forehead. "I'll go now" I said. He nodded. "I love you baby" I said.

"I love you too. See you later" he said. I smiled and caressed his face. Then, I went to the elevator and departed. I released a long sigh when the elevator closed. I feel so tense and mad about the things Krist told me on the phone. I felt mad that it has to be now. My planned weekend with Win is being threatened by the ghosts of my past. I have to fix it as fast as I can so that I can go back to Win. I don't want to leave him alone in my place. For sure he will feel lonely and cold being alone in that wide space as I felt before.


Damn it. Why is this happening?

I am driving now to Krist's family restaurant after he called that Gigie is there holding a knife threatening to take her life if he does not call me to come. This woman is literally insane. I thought she already gave up on pursuing me. She is so persistent. I felt irritated.


I arrived at the restaurant and saw an ambulance and police cars. Tay and the restaurant's staff are outside together with some spectators.

"Tay. What happened?" I asked.

"Thank God you're here. Gigie followed Krist here and suddenly pulled a knife threatening to stab herself if Krist will not call you to come. She also requested for people to get out of the place. Krist had no choice. They are still inside and Krist is still trying to calm her down" he said in his horrified face.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now