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As soon as we entered my car, before I could fastened my seatbelt, and started the engine, Bright suddenly grabbed my head to kiss me. He kissed me deep and hard. Oh, the feeling of being kissed again by my boyfriend was a bliss. I missed him.

"I've missed you, baby" he whispered to my lips then kissed me again.

"Mmmmm" I responded while our mouths were savoring each other. We kissed more until we were out of breath.

"Let's go home. I can't wait to get more of you" he said while smiling.

"Okay" I said  as I caught up to my breath. I then started the car engine and drove.


Bright was holding my hand as I drove him to his place. He was playing it with his fingers and kissing it several times.

"Please let me drive peacefully" I said as I focused on the road.

"Just drive slowly, baby" he said and kissed the back of my hand.

"How was your deal?" I asked to distract him from playing with my hand.

"It's great. We got it. Tay was exceptional in his presentation" he said.

"Wow. Congratulations on your new ventures. The three days being away was all worth it" I said happily.

"Did you miss me?" he asked as he kissed the back of my hand that he never let go as soon as I started the car's engine.

"I do" I said while smiling.

"Have you been good while I'm away?" he asked.

"I am always like that whether you're away or not" I said as I chuckled.

He bit my thumb a little.

"Ouch! Bright!" I said as I tried to pull my hand. He didn't let it go.

"Don't be so cheeky or I'll eat you literally" he said and kissed my thumb.


We finally arrived at his place. We were on the elevator when he pulled me near him and put his hand on my waist. I can't reciprocate since my hands were holding groceries. I can sense that he's tense.

"Bright, calm down. We're almost there" I said.

"I'm barely holding back, baby. The first moment I saw you at the airport, I already wanted to cuddle you. Damn! Why is this elevator taking so long?" Bright said.

I laughed. I've missed this childish man.

"I've missed that sound. I've missed everything about you" he said.

"I've missed you too" as soon as I said it, the elevator finally opened to his place.

As soon as the elevator closed, he let go of his luggage, dropped his backpack, and grabbed my waist as he slammed his body to mine. He stared at me for a while before he kissed me hard. I almost dropped the groceries on my hands. His kissing his thirst out. He was so aggressive. I pulled a little.

"Wait, Bright. I still have to carry these groceries to your kitchen" I said as I caught my breath.

"Leave that for a while" he said and kissed me again.

"Wait. I need to settle this first or I wouldn't have a chance again. Please wait a little more" I said. I know if I gave in to him now, it will take long before I can touch these groceries again. I need to put the meat and fish in the refrigerator.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now