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I made friends from other departments. Mike, Joss and First invited me for a weekend night party in one of the clubs in town. It's been long since I partied.

My phone rang. It's Joss.

"Hey Joss" I said upon picking up his call.

"Are you ready? I am with Mike and First. We're near your place" he said.

"Yup, I'm ready. I'll wait outside the gate" I said.

"Okay, almost there. Bye" he said and dropped the call after I said my goodbye.

My ride arrived. Mike is sitting in the passenger's seat while me and First were at the back seat.

"Hey Win, don't hold back when we're there. Just enjoy yourself. We will have a lot of fun" Mike said.

"Of course I'll make sure to have fun" I said while smiling.

"That club is also where lots of other employees go. So maybe, you will find someone you know from the company" First said.

"As long as our bosses were not there, we'll be safe to trash them" Joss said while laughing. For sure my boss will not be around. I think he is the type who doesn't party in places where lots of people knew him.

Joss drove for few more minutes until we arrived at the venue. The place is called 'The Red Circle'. I can see that this is one of the clubs where the rich people go. The music was upbeat that most people were dancing while chatting. We sat in one of the sofa with a round table. Mike started to order our first drinks. We chatted as we drink. First later on, went to the dance floor and wiggled his body with the tune of the music. We continued to chat anything under the sun and we were beginning to get loud. Joss now is sitting with a woman he just met whose name I already forgot.

"Win, can you go to the bartender and get another bucket of drinks?" Mike asked which I immediately granted.

While waiting for our drinks, someone called me from the nearby seat.

"So it's you Win. I thought you're another person" sir Tay said.

"Hello sir. I didn't expect to see you here" I said. Somehow, I felt embarrassed. I don't know why.

"I came here to unwind at least once a month. By the way Win..." sir Tay was interrupted by a woman who immediately cling into his arm.

"Now, you'll never get off from me. Come on, help me" the woman said.

"I told you many times that I cannot do what you want" sir Tay said.

"Just this one, I'm desperate. He never pick my calls for two months now. I just want to see him" she said. I felt guilty for hearing other people's conversation, so, I prepared to move away but sir Tay's answer made me freeze.

"Okay, let me get straight to the point. I told you already that Bright just stopped seeing everybody. As of now, he doesn't want to see anyone. You already know the risks that if you started a relationship with him, it will only last for few weeks or months. Everyone knew that" sir Tay said. I must say, he was frank. I felt sorry for the woman. I am still get shocked every time I heard sir Bright's relationship.

"I know that" the woman said in a sad face. "In fact, I have talked to his three previous girlfriends and they told me the same. They told me to move on because that's just Bright's way of entering a relationship. But after I talked to them, I found out that we, his previous girlfriends, have something in common. It was the common feeling of blissful happiness when we were with Bright. He really took care of us like we were princess. That was when I decided to pursue Bright to change his heart into a one-woman dedicated boyfriend. So, Tay, please help me meet him" the woman said. I couldn't believe what I just heard that my face cannot hide my reactions anymore.

THE LOST STAR- A BrightWin AUWhere stories live. Discover now