Chapter 27

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RiaXwriter_h and gynhabeebah this is for you❤❤
Noorie's POV

"I...I...think you deserve to know the truth. You have the right to know the truth and I am ready to tell you about it."

"What are you talking about? What truth?" I asked my mum,confusion written all over my face. I can't think of anything. What is my mum talking about?

"The truth about your......father." she replied,staring at her baby. I was taken aback by her words. My father? She has never said anything about him for the past 24years,why now? Something is fishy.

"No." I replied,curtly. I can see the topic is hard for her to talk about. She is forcing herself to talk. I don't know what my father might have done to her,but I assume she hates him. She is forcing herself to do this. Until she is ready to talk,I won't listen to her. Why do I even feel like she is being forced to say this.

"Why?" She asked,calmly.

"I know it a very hard topic for you. I don't know what my dad did to you,but I can see how hard it is for you to even talk about him." I voiced out my thought.

"I......." She trailed off.

"I have to get going. I will come back tomorrow." I carried my bag and stood up from the bed ready to leave. I was about to turn the doorknob when she said "You remind me so much of your father. You are an exact replica of him. It only fair if I allow you meet him. He also has a right over you. You are his daughter and nothing can change that. Tell me when you are ready to meet him and I will make sure you do."

My father? Am I ready to meet him? Where has he been for the past 24years of my life? Where was he when I needed him? How can he prove to me that he is a responsible father? A father who abandoned his daughter for 24years. What kind of father is that? No! I am not ready to meet him. I am not ready to meet the man who abandoned me for all these years.

"I am not ready to meet him and I don't think I will ever be." I replied her and left the room quickly before she says anything again.

My father? Did he perhaps ask of me from my mum? Why is she talking about him? I am highly frustrated. Nothing is going right in my life. I just hate everything around me. I feel like going faraway. Faraway from all these problems. I have been dealing with my so called arranged marriage for over a month and my father again? Why is all these happening? Why? Why me? What have I ever done to deserve all these? Life can be so unfair sometimes?

"Should we go home?" Asmau asked,staring at me. I didn't even notice her presence in the livingroom until she talked.

"Yes." I replied curtly.

"I will be right back." She left the livingroom swiftly and came back two minutes after. I guess she went to bade my mum farewell.

Without saying a word,I stood up and followed her outside where the car was parked.

The ride back home was a quiet one. Asmau was busy driving like a lunatic while I was just staring at the window. I don't have the energy to tell her to drive carefully. I still don't get why Asmau drives recklessly.

"Come down!" Asmau muttered,staring at me

"What?" I asled confused.

"We are home." She replied and went out of the car. We are home. I was so engrossed in my thoughts,I didn't even know when we reached home. I picked my bag and went out of the car.

"Assalamu'alikum" I muttered,immediately I stepped my foot into the livingroom.

"Wa'alaikum sallam." Kaka replied,cheerfully while Goggo replied,indifferently. Goggo has been giving me attitude for the past one month. Ever since I told them about my feelings for Affan,Goggo have been ignoring. She don't even tall to me. She will rather send Asmau to me.

"How are you?" Kaka inquired.

"I am fine. Welcome back." I said with a forced smile. Kaka travelled out of the country for a week. He came back home this morning. I haven't seen him since then. I was so tired when I came back home this morning.

"Thank you dear. How is everything?" Kaka asked,looking at me. I know there is more to this question. He is probably asking how am trying to digest everything about the marriage.

"Everything is fine." I lied. Nothing is fine atall. 

"That's good!" He uttered with a smile.

"I will go freshen up." I said and left the livingroom to my room.
"Asmau! Do not annoy me. I don't want an extravagant wedding. I am okay with the Walima."

"Not even dinner party?" She asked,hopefully.

"Not even dinner party." I replied and rolled my eyes at her chidishness." I see no reason for an extravagant wedding. Am not even happy with the whole marriage thingy,I see no reason for many events. I just want to have a simple wedding. If possible,just the Nikkah. Weddings are meant to he simple in my own perspective. I don't think there is a need for too much spending. The most important thing in marriage is Allah's blessing. I don't know what some people enjoy in lavishing money on weddings. What harm is there if you have a simple wedding?

"Okay!" She got up from the bed and went out of the room. I did not bother stopping her because am too tired to say anything. She can have many events when she is getting married.

It been a month since my mother gave birth. I will be married in just a month. It still feels like a dream. I don't even look like someone that is getting married.  I look so stress out. I wish there is a miracle that can stop the so called wedding.

I will be starting my gyaran jiki(bridal skincare) today and I am not looking forward to it at all. Goggo decided to do it for me herself. How can my own grandmother do the skincare for me. I was thinking 101 ways I can use to escape that torture,but I don't think it will be possible. Goggo won't spare me. I just have to endure.

"Noorie! I hope you are ready? Your aunt will be here soon." Goggo muttered,after entering my room.

"My aunt?" I asked confused.

"Yes your aunt. Ruqayya will do the skincare for you." She explained.

"Your niece?" I asked,still confused. The only Ruqayya I know is Goggo's niece. So is she talking about her? But she lives in Dubai.

"Yes! Which other Ruqayya will I talk about?"

"But she is in Dubai." I uttered.

"She came back to Nigeria since last week. Don't tell me you forgot. Noorie, are you okay?" Goggo inquired,worriedly.

"Ohh" I face palmed. I totally forgot she came back to Nigeria last week. How can I be so forgetful? "I forgot."

"You forgot? What's happening to you?" I can't believe Goggo is asking me that question. Didn't she cause everything. If she hadn't made a decision to get me married,maybe my life would have been okay.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I am okay." I replied her,blinking back my tears. I don't even understand Goggo anymore. This minute she is nice to me and the next minute she is giving me cold shoulders. What is she up to? Ya Allah I am confused!

"Okay! Get ready before your aunt arrives." She left the room and closed the door gently behind her. Taking in a deep breath,i got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to have a nice shower. I will still end up taking my bath after my skincare session today,but there is no harm in taking your bath again and again.


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Do you think her father truly abandoned her?

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Meena ❤

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