Chapter 35

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"I miss her so much. She left me all alone. It been 8years but I still miss her so much.Why did she leave me? why!? Why did she leave me when i needed her? Why!?" Affan sobbed,holding onto Rahima's picture.

Affan started taking drugs after he found out she was pregnant. He has tried everything possible to find Rahima,but he didn't succeed. He tries to control himself whenever he remembers Rahima and how much she betrayed him,but he ends up taking those drugs again. He can't help it and it hurts so much depending on those drugs.

After he met Noorie,he believed she was the only that could make him forget Rahima. He wanted to use her and distract himself from thinking about his wife,but of course his plan didn't work. Mahmud had to pop in just when he wanted to make a move on her.

He hates himself for playing with her emotions,but she is just the right person to help him forget Rahima. This isn't the kind of person he is,but this is who Rahima turned him to.

After she emotionally blackmailed him to start taking drugs, she betrayed him by having an affair with his brother. Affan did everything to satisfy Rahima. He even went against his parent's teachings for her,but she was never satisfied. She didn't only ruin his life when she left,she left with his family's happiness.

Affan's father made sure no one speaks of both Rahima and Jabir in his house again. He wanted to sell Affan's house,but Affan stopped him from doing that. The house originally belongs to his father. That house reminds him of Rahima so much.

"I think it's time to move on. I can't continue living like this when Rahima is probably out there having fun. I should give mum the go ahead to arrange my marriage with whoever she wants." Affan said,wiping away his tears.

"I am sure mum will be very happy. That is what she wanted anyway. It won't hurt to give up my happiness for hers." Affan said amidst tears. "That is the least I could do for her after all the pain I caused her." He got up from his sitting position and went out of the house,trying his best to control his tears.

Affan's mum disliked his stepsisters simply because of his stepbrother's betrayal. She blames them for everything that happened because their brother was involved. He became a drug addict to the extent of almost taking his mother's life. His sister hates him so much. What else does he have left?

He drove out of the house and headed home.

"I am tired of staying at home. I just want to start working." Noorie said,staring at Asmau or rather glaring at her.

"I am tired of working and you can't wait to start working. This life no balance." Asmau said,shaking her head.

Noorie tried to stifle a laughter. The way Asmau pronounced her last sentence was funny. She doesn't know how to speak broken English, but always attempt to.

"I am not really eager to start working. I am just tired of staying at home. It boring here." Noorie said,dishing out the freshly made spaghetti on a plate.

Noorie just finished cooking,something she likes doing after her wedding.

"Noorie!" Asmau called. Something about the way she called her made Noorie know that she is about to talk business. She looks very serious.

"Is there a problem?" Noorie raised her eyebrow in confusion. She prefers the cheerful Asmau more than the serious one.

"I think you should tell Mahmud to divorce you ." She deadpan.

"What!?" Noorie asked,confusion written all over her face. Why will Asmau say such a thing? "What do you mean? Why should I do that?" Although Noorie doesn't love Mahmud,the thought of asking for a divorce never crossed her mind.

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