Chapter 30

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"Get out of my room! Just get out!" I yelled at my sister Ameena. I just want to be alone after finding out that Noorie's marriage has been finalised.

How could they do this to me? I loved her so much. I wanted to spend my life with her and now she is married to that despicable human being. Me and Mahmud never got along. He is just someone I don't like relating with. I can't believe he is married to my Noorie. I can't explain the amount of hatred I suddenly developed for Mahmud. He is the cause everything. I would have been with Noorie if he hadn't showed up his filthy face. I will make him pay for hurting me so much. I will make him pay for separating me and my Noorie. He will pay! I will make sure of that. Even if that will be the last thing I will do in earth. I will make sure he pays for hurting me.

"Affan! " My mum called immediately she entered my room. She gasped at the mess I created. I scattered everything in my room. Am sure Ameena called her here.


I broke everything I could,but it wasn't enough. I even cut myself with a broken glass,but it wasn't painful compared to the pain I am going through.

My mum fell on the floor and started crying.

"What is wrong with you, Affan? Look at how you are bleeding. Why are you doing this? Tell me,Affan! Please!" She beseeched,weeping profusely on the floor.

Even though am not in my right state of mind,I dislike seeing my mother like this. I hate myself for causing her so much pain.

"Ya Allah! What have I ever done? What have I ever done? Why is my son like this? Why is my son behaving like a lunatic. What exactly have I done?" My mum cried harder. I made no attempt to calm her down because it will be a wasted effort. My mum can cry all she want. I just want to be alone and she is not getting it. Her voice makes my head ache. She should just get out of the room.

"Affan! What is that white substance you are holding? still take dr..dr...drugs?" My said,hyperventilating.

"Calm down,mum. Please take a deep breath." I moved closer to her and tried to make her breath steady. My mum has medical problem,so we try our best to avoid anything that will hurt her. The doctor advised her to stay away from any problem.

"Mum! Mum! Mum!" I called,trying to wake her up. I quickly carried my car keys and took her to the hospital. She must have fainted due to shock.

"Amina! Calm down. Mum will be perfectly fine." I said,trying to comfort my crying sister. Mum has been rushed to the emergncy unit and we have been waiting for the doctor to come and explain what exactly happened to her. My sister have been crying since we rushed Ammi to the hospital. I hate myself for putting my mother in that kind of situation.

"Don't you dare say that to me!" Amina bellowed. I was taken aback by her outburst.

"Tell me! Whose fault is it that my mother is in that condition? Tell me!" She yelled. I didn't expect her to blame me for what happened. I am feeling guilty already,but i don't need her to rub salt on my wound. I still feel a little dizzy from all the drugs i took earlier. My head aches so much and I am not in the mood to argue with Ameena right now.

"Did the cat cut your tongue? Answer me,Affan. What happened to the sweet elder brother I use to have. What happened to that,Affan? Why have you changed so much? You are nothing but a monster! I hate you for putting Ammi in this condition. I hate you!" She roared,holding into her bag tightly as if her life depended on it.

Ameena has never talked to me in this manner. She has always been a sweet little sister to me. I have messed up. I must have hurt my sister beyond measure for her to talk to me like this. All because of a woman i have put my mother's life in danger. My mother is fighting for her life.

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