Chapter 49

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"Why are you wasting your time on Affan? I told you he is a fool. He doesn't deserve you." Jabir hissed out in anger. He threw away the glass cup he was holding. His boy mood changes whenever Rahima talks about Affan.

Rahima sighed holding her head. She doesn't understand why her brother hates Affan so much. He hates him even before they got married. This is the first time she is coming to his house. They mostly meet in a restaurant.

"I thought you wanted to talk to me about something important. I won't sit here and waste my time." He glared at her. Only God knows what Affan fed her with.

"I am sorry,yaya. I need your help." She was nervous sitting in front of her brother. If there is someone she is scared of,it is her brother. Not even their parents could scare her like that.

"With what?" His voice was strangely calm. He noticed how Rahima was nervous. It won't be fair scaring her more. She is still his sister even after she went against him to marry Affan.

"I want you to help me kill,Nawal." Rahima couldn't look at his face. He will be very disappointed at her. That is something she knows.

"Are you mad? What sort of nonsense are you saying?" He got up abruptly.

"Please Jabir. Help me" she beseeched,sobbing. Her brother might be tough or whatever but he can't bare to see her in tears.

"How dare you say something like this?" He bellowed and slapped her hard across the face. Rahima was taken aback by his outburst. Jabir has never slapped her before. Not even when she got married to Affan. Why the hell will he do that now?

"Yaya!" She called at the verge of tears. Her brother closed his eyes,instantly regretting his action. He shouldn't have slapped her.

"I am sorry,Rahima,but what you are asking me to do for you is very bad. You want me to kill somebody. Not just anybody,but your friend Nawal. What did she do to you?" Jabir asked,wondering how Rahima became this callous. Why will you want to commit murder.

"Don't act like you haven't killed someone before. I am your sister not an outsider." Rahima glared at him. She wouldn't have told him to kill Nawal if she doesn't know the kind of person he is.

"You are a disappointment. I expect you to ask for forgiveness from Allah after cheating on your husband,but you are here asking me to kill someone. For your information,I am not a murder. I haven't killed anyone before." Jabir obviously doesn't know his sister is a murderer. She gets rid of anyone who comes between her and whatever she wants.

"Are you serious?" Rahima asked. She has heard few rumors about her brother being in a cult when they were still in school. She didn't bother to find out if it was true or not. Their parents were not really rich back then and Jabir could do anything for money. She just came directly to him to help her. Those people in secret cult are all murders right?

"Of course I am. Everyone might be scared of me,but I am not a murder." He sat on the chair and took a gulp from the bottle water on the table. He can't believe his own sister didn't bother to find out of the rumors were true about him. All she was after in school was sugar daddies that will give her large amount of money. She was never serious with school. He expected her to defend him in-front of those who call him cultist,but she didn't. She believed them instead. Most people in school thought he was a cultist simply because of how people were scared of him. He doesn't tolerate nonsense from anybody,that is why people were always scared of him.

Rahima couldn't say anything. How can she justify what she said. Her brother most be very disappointed at her.

"Rahima!" Her brother called,breaking the silence. She was too ashamed to look at him. She couldn't look up. "What did Nawal do to you? Can't you forgive her for whatever she did? That girl stood by you when you had nobody. She even allowed you to stay in her house after your failed marriage. She did something even your own parents couldn't do. She went against her family just to help you. She made sure your son was comfortable and all you will pay her with is death. She doesn't deserve this." Jabir was trying his best not to loose his temper. The fact that Rahima could say she wants to kill Nawal baffles him.

Rahima mentally rolled her eyes. Everyone is seeing Nawal as the good person. Nawal did everything for a reason. She wants Jabir in return. Not her brother,but Affan's brother,Jabir. She always had a silly crush on Jabir. When she find out what happened between her and Jabir,she begged Rahima to help her. She told her she will do anything for her. Rahima came up with the idea that she should get married to Affan in order to help her revenge. Nawal didn't bother asking what Affan did to her. She was the one that offended Affan,but she foolishly convinced her mother to talk to Affan's Mum about their marriage.

"It's better you start asking for forgiveness from Allah. You have done a lot of bad things. You are still my sister and the only thing I can do is to advice you." Jabir stared at his sister with glistening eyes. Rahima is ruining her life and she doesn't even know. "Do you know how your actions has affected Affan and his family? You slept with his brother. Do you even know what that means? How could you do something like that. You were intimate with two brothers. I am disgusted,Rahima. You are disgusting." Jabir blink back his tears. Their parent didn't train them that way. Rahima did everything out of greed. Their parents tried to provide everything they want,but Rahima was never satisfied.

Rahima wiped away her tears. She regrets everything she did back then. Honestly she had no feelings for Affan then. She didn't know Affan was serious about their relationship. Her cousin always gist her about Affan. She did everything to make sure Affan noticed her. All she wanted from him was money and fame. He was quit popular on social media. Affan thought she truly loved him and proposed to her. She got married to him because she knew she won't find anybody like Affan who is willing to accept her with her flaws. She fell in love with Jabir the first day she saw him. There was no way she could call off her wedding. She tried to get close to him and he was enjoying the attention he got from her. They didn't waste time in dating few days after Rahima's wedding. He was always in their house and Affan didn't say anything about it. Affan's friend,Alamin caught them kissing when he came to drop something for Affan at their house. Rahima amd Jabir were surprised he didn't say anything to Affan. Thinking about everything,she realized what she had for Jabir was lust not love. Unfortunately,it was late before she realized this.

"Rahima!" Her brother called. She refused to look at him. She couldn't bare to see the disappointment in her brother's eyes. "I am begging you to stay away from Affan and Nawal. Leave them and start your life afresh. Affan will never accept you back into his life." Rahima knew her brother was telling the truth. Affan will never accept her back,but why is it so hard to accept the truth?

"I want you to promise me you will stay away from them. I can help you with some money. You should leave this country. Find someone and get married. Don't stay here fighting over someone who probably hates you." Their parent cut all ties with Rahima. She tarnished their family's name. Most people knew about what she did. They told her to leave their house and never come back. Their father will be furious if he knows Jabir is still in contact with her.

"What about my son? I can't leave him in Nigeria." She sniffled,wiping away her tears.

"Affan is Jamal's father right?" He asked to which she nodded. "Tell him about his son. Ask for his forgiveness and leave Nigeria with Jamal." Jabir said. Rahima stared at the floor. It is easier said than done. Affan will not believe Jamal is his son. She can't blame him. If she was in his shoes she will not believe herself.

There is no harm in trying right? Her brother is right. She will tell Affan about his son and leave Nigeria.

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