Chapter 53

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So nobody guessed right😂

"Who?" She asked,barely above a whisper.

Her grandparents exchanged looks and sighed. Kaka was waiting for his wife to say the name,while she was also waiting for him to do that. They are ninety percent sure Noorie will not marry him. They are also having a hard time accepting the proposal.

"Who?" Noorie asked a little bit louder. Maybe they didn't hear her the first time. Why are they so nervous? Kaka cleared his voice and look at her. He has to talk since his wife is clearly not ready to talk.

"Fareed" He deadpan. Why waste time when they will eventually tell her? Noorie didn't understand what he said. She was confused. She doesn't know any Fareed apart from her cousin.

"Fareed? Which Fareed?" Noorie asked. The Fareed she knows has a wife. He didn't tell her he is looking for a second wife so which Fareed is that?

"Your cousin,Fareed. Asmau's elder brother." Goggo replied. Noorie's eye widened. What are they saying? How can they even think of getting her married to Fareed. He is happily married.

"We did not force Fareed to do this. He came to us to ask for your hand in marriage. I swear..."

"Excuse me." Noorie cut in. She got up and left the living room. Goggo tried to call her back but Kaka stopped her. They don't expect her to accept Fareed just like that. She needs time to think and they are ready to give her time.

Noorie went to her room and closed the door. She sat on the bed,thinking about what she just heard. Was Fareed drunk when he talked to them? Isn't he married? Where is he planning to keep his wife? Why didn't he even ask for her opinion before talking to their grandparent? Why was he acting normal outside. There is no way she will marry Fareed. He is not in the right position to marry her. How will Hafsah feel about it? Noorie had so many questions running on her mind. The only way to get those answers was to talk to Fareed. She picked up her phone and called him. She told him to come over tomorrow and ended the call. She is very angry with him. How can he do something like that?

"Can you just calm down and listen to me?" Fareed sighed,staring at Noorie. She looks furious and cute at the same time. He didn't waste time coming over to their grandparents house after she called. He wanted to come the next day but Hafsah forced him to come that same day. He has been sitting in the living room for almost 10minutes. Noorie has been talking since he came here.

"I can't calm down,Fareed. How can you just do something like that without asking me? This is absurd." She sat on the couch,breathing out loud. "You need to go back and tell Kaka you are joking because I can never marry you." The only reason Fareed wants to marry is her because of pity. Fareed loves his wife dearly and she can't come between them.

"Why?" He asked,staring at her. "Is it because I am married? It's okay if you don't want to marry me because of Hafsat. "He shrugged and got up. "Hafsah knows about this Incase if you feel like I am betraying her." He went out of the living room,leaving her there. He was not lying when he said Hafsah knows about it. She was even the one that advised him to talk to Kaka and Goggo. He drove out of the house and went to his new house. 

"Assallamu'alaikum" Fareed muttered,entering the house. Hafsah was sitting on the couch,shaking her legs anxiously.

"Wa'alaikum sallam" She got up and smiled at him. "What did she say? Did she agree?" Hafsah was tired of waiting for him. She has been sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back.

Fareed shake his head indicating her reply was negative. Hafsah nodded and faked a smile. "You should eat." She went to the kitchen feeling sad. She didn't expect Noorie to say no.

"I will talk to her tomorrow." Fareed followed her to the kitchen knowing she is feeling sad. He has always had feelings for Noorie since they were young. He even told Goggo about it,but she told him Noorie has to finish school before she can get married. He was not really serious about it. That is his only regret. He shouldn't have got married to someone else. He should have waited for her. 

"Let me talk to her instead." Hafsah knew it won't be easy talking to Noorie. It doesn't sound good to her much less Noorie. How can she beg her to marry her husband? She isn't trying to get her married to Fareed because she can't give birth. She knows about his feelings for Noorie and she is willing to support him. The doctor confirmed she is the one with the problem. She got pregnant a couples of times,but they were an ectopic pregnancy. The baby grows outside the womb which causes miscarriage. If he can get married to Noorie and hopefully have a baby with her,why should she stop him?

"Okay" He nodded and went out of the kitchen. She will make it more easier for him to talk to Noorie. She will listen to her and hopefully listen to his explanation as well.

Hafsah dish out his food and dropped it on the dining table. She informed him his food is on the dining table and went to take her bath. She wore her nighties and performed ablution. She prayed and went downstairs to meet Fareed. She didn't meet him in the living room. He must have gone to the mosque. She thought.

Fareed entered the house with a taslim and sat beside his wife. "Have you eaten?" He asked,staring at her. She is always starving herself in the name of dieting. He isn't complaining about her body. She is chubby and he likes her just the way she is.

"I ate when you left earlier." Fareed knew she was lying but didn't say anything. He hugged her,patting her back lightly.

"Everything will be okay. We just need to be prayerful. Allah will answer our payers." He adjusted her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for about half an hour. Hafsah fell asleep,thinking about how to approach Noorie tomorrow.


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