Chapter 4

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Savitar sat up and rubbed Caitlin's back softly, "who was that?"

"Cisco. He wants us at the lab right now." 

After getting dressed, Savitar ran himself and Caitlin to Star Labs where everyone waited. 

"So now that everyone's here, can you tell us what you saw?" Harry asked, not having his morning coffee was really affecting him.

Cisco glanced at Caitlin, "I was doing the morning rounds when I noticed a high heat signature from downtown. I thought it a was fire of some sort, but the temperature's too hot." 

"Lava?" Iris asked.

Cisco shrugged, "there're no cameras in the area, I don't know for sure." 

"Then let's go take a look," Barry said to Savitar who nodded.

The speedsters suited up, but Caitlin stopped them, "be careful, okay? We don't know as much as we should," she had a sick feeling in her stomach. 

Barry smiled and Savitar's eyes softened, "we will." 

The location was hard to miss, people were running away from every direction and fire engulfed cars and buildings. 

Barry and Savitar looked at each other in fear, they had never seen something like this before. 

"Um, guys. The CCTV cameras just shut down on me," Cisco said through their telecoms, "you're on your own until I try and find another way." 

"I'll go check the buildings to see if anyone's there," Barry suggested. 

Savitar nodded, "and I'll go find the source." 

He ran in the opposite direction of where everyone was running and looked around. 

"Guys, I don't think the heat signature was a thing," he whispered. 

"Then, what?" Iris asked. 

"I'm coming in for backup," he heard Frost say. 

Savitar was met with two enormous fireballs but underneath, he could see human-like figures. 

He squinted his eyes, "hey!" He shouted, trying to catch their attention, but it was no use. 

The fire humans were more interested in fighting each other. 

"I don't know if you can tell but you're hurting innocents!" 

They looked at Savitar and yelled, "get away!" 

"I can't do that. This is my city," before Savitar ran up to fight, he heard Caitlin's voice not far off. 

"Ronnie?" She gasped which caught him off guard. 

One of the fire humans looked back but the other one and the much more angrier one, threw a fireball at Savitar who couldn't react in time. 

"Savitar!" This time, instead of Caitlin, Frost yelled and threw an icicle which caught the attention of both fire humans. 

They faced their palms to the ground and flew away. 

"That's what I thought," Frost smirked and ran toward Savitar who was unconscious. Barry was next to her and she sighed, "took you long enough." 

Barry ran Savitar to Star Labs and Caitlin carefully examined him. 

Savitar didn't know Ronnie Raymond, sure he had memories of him, but all he really knew was that he was Caitlin's first love, which made him a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes, deep into the night, he could hear Caitlin cry out to Ronnie.

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